Macanah has released a new death match map for Kingpin called Firelight. This one is another Quake2 conversion.
Firelight is a smallish, multi level, Quake2 stlye map. It features lifts, jump pads and a teleport. and is a darkish environment There is lava at the bottom of the map that is instant death and there are enough weapons and items in the map.
You can download Firelight from here.
Bodies 2012 is another map I found we didn't have in out archive.
Bodies 2012 is a remake of the Bodies map which was made for Kingpin in 1999. Originally Bodies was a DM map for the games Blood and then Blood2:The Chosen made by Craig Hubbard.
The original Kingpin version of Bodies was a huge map and the remake is a lot smaller. It's still large though and can easily fit a large crowd. There are two main areas connected by corridors and two levels to play on. There are ample weapons and other items and plenty of player spawns. The 2012 remake is a lot closer to the size fo the original Blood map.
The map includes a few custom textures and some nice cloloured lighting.
You can download Bodies 2012 from here.
If you want to see the original Bodies Kingpin map from 1999 you can download that one from here.
Killa has been working hard and has uploaded a video he created of the Sunday Night game at the Luschen Death Match server two Sundays ago.
As you can see from the video the action was pretty frantic :)
Some Kingpin servers are now recording player stats when you play on them.
If you visit you will see that the Luschen servers and the [BC] servers have a Stats button next to the server name. This is the player stats for that server.
There are lots of stats to check out such as top players by frags, effeciancy, deaths, weapons used, who has killed who etc.
Just another reason to get back int oteh servers and start fraggin' :)
This is a small death match map by Muggs we didn't have in our archive.
This is also the map I was looking for the missing textures. I didn't find them but as they were just all coloured textures (blue red, black etc) I just found similar ones and renamed them.
This a smallish box map with three levels of smaller box rooms inside it with the different levels connected by ladders.
Most of the walls are translucent or semi-transparent. Each direction of walls are different colours and the floors are checkered black and white.
Each little corner box room has a weapon and ammo and the cooling mod is on a little platform at the top of the map. There is one set of armour in the map and four health bags.
We played it on the Luschen DM server to see what it layed like and it is a crazy little, fun, map to play.
You can download No Where To Hide from here.
This weeks game on the Luschen server is going to be Bagman.
The games are very informal with the emphasis on having fun while playing some KP.
Details are:-
Server : Luschen Bagman Server
IP Address :
Maxclients : 16
Date : Sunday 28th February
Time : 20.00 (8pm) GMT
Admin : [M]
If you still don't have the latest Gamespylite server browser you can download it from here.
Check the world clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 8pm GMT.
We also host a Bagman map-pack which includes many of the popular BM maps. You can grab the map-pack from here.
Hope to see you all at the game :)
Shots from the game is [M]'s Kingpin Server List page. This is a very informative and useful site.
It list's all the Kingpun servers currently running and allows you to join them directly from the page if you use Qtracker.
There is a link to download the updated Gamespylite, small tutorials on how to add servers to in-game address book and gamespylite favourites and also instructions on how to download and install a couple of files so you can join servers directly from the page (without having Qtracker installed).
The page is set up to audibly inform you how many players are online at regular intervals. There are probably other features as well which I can't think of right now.
It also has a chat room where you will find [M] and several other KPers regularly hanging out.
If you're looking for a game and no one is in the servers, you can go and play in the Luschen Botmatch server against bots and hopefully some others will see you and join, or you can go join the chat room. I'm not suggesting that there will always be 20 ppl there waiting to play but quite often you will find 3 or 4 ppl who will be willing to go for a game :)
And of course the more ppl who start using the chat room the more chance you will have of finding ppl for a game.
Truzenzuzex has uploaded a video to Youtube of his touring, or playing through, his death match map [BC]'s Evil Town on his Catch the Chicken server.
Many of you will watch the video and think "I know that map, we used to play it a lot, now what was it's name doh".
The bsp name is eviltown-rev3 and you can download it from here.
Of course, the big question is, did he ever find the chicken :)
Fredz has written two tutorials on the Installation and Setup of Kingpin. These tutorials are very in-depth and thorough and are an interesting read even if you already have the game installed and setup :)
There is a Tutorials link in the Menu Panel or you can check them out directly here:-
For any feedback just leave a comment.
Fredz has also put together an FAQ with has some common problems and helpful tips.
This is also avaliable via the Tutorials link in the Menu Panel or you can check it out directly here:-
You may have noticed that Truzenzuzex is running a Catch the Chicken mod server.
This is the mod where a chicken spawns and somebody picks it up then everyone else tries to kill that person. The chicken is then droopped and another playr picks it up and the other players then try to kill them and so on and so forth :)
The server details are:-
Name : BC's CNYA ~ Catch the Chicken
IP Address :
Maxclients : 8
You need the client files for this mod as they contain a pak file that has all the vweaps, one map, sounds, models, skins and hud graphics!
It's a small download which you can get from here.
Just extract to your kingpin folder and it will creat a ctc folder with pak1 in it. Now you are good to go :)
Here is a death match map we didn't have in the archive.
Skicadm1 by Skica is a small, compact DM map. It has three levels, one teleport and a big lava pool which, luckily, can't hurt you as it is covered over (with wood lol).
There is one of every weapon, except the rocket launcher which has two, and there are heaps of health bags. It has seven player spawns and features a big poster of the author on one wall :)
You can downlaod Skicadm1 from here.
Just extract the files from the zip to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location.
Fredz has uploaded three demos of a player completing the KiT (Kingpin Intensive Training) map Kit+ by Mantis.
KiT maps are like obstacle course maps with lots of trick jumps and obstacles to be overcome to complete the map.
In order to view these demos you will also need to have the KiT+ map which you can download from here.
You can download the three demos from here:-
These three demos need to be extracted to kingpin/main/demos.
To watch these demos, start Kingpin, pull down the console (tilde key ~), and type in map bestkit1.dm2 (or bestkit2.dfm2 or bestkit3.dm2), press enter and just let it play.
If the console doesn't retract just press space and esc and you should be ok.
Truzenzuzez[BC] has alerted me to Kingpin being on Twitter. I'm not a Twitter guy myself but if you do use Twitter Kingpin is hashtag kingpinlifeofcrime.
Check it out at the Twitter website here.
I found an old map by Muggs that looks like a fun map to play but I am misisng some textures.
If you have a vintage Kingpin install would you mind checking to see if you have a muggs textures folder (i.e kingpin/main/textures/muggs).
The textures I am looking for in that folder are:-
If you find them please leave a comment for this post or send me an email by clicking on my name.
This is probably obvious but, just incase it isn't, to view older news post that are no longer on the front page, scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see |Displaying entries 1-5 of xx| Next page »
Jut click on Next page and you will be taken to the previous page where you can then read the news posts on that page. Then just continue clicking Next page until you have had your fill of Kingpin news.
Also, I have started tagging peoples names in news posts, so if a name is highlighted, you can click on it and it will show you a page with any other news spots they are associatd with.
We hosted several zip files full of map level-shots. So I have consolidated them all into one zipfile. I also spent the afternoon creating level-shots for some of the maps that didn't have one. They have also been included in the new zip file. The zip file is around 11mg and contains about 680 map level-shots.
If you’re not familiar with what Level-shots are they are tiny screenshots that show up on the map voting screen. When the current map completes on a server running the Monkey Mod, with Map Voting turned on, you have a chance to vote for the next map to be played. On the Map Voting screen once you have selected a map to vote for, if you have the level-shot for that map, it will be displayed.
You can download the level-shots zip file from here.
Just extract the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location.
Update 22/02/16 Hypov8 let me know that a few of the older level-shots were corrpupt so he recreated them. In fact he has recreated all of the level-shots adding a different border so they show up better on the the map voting page. I have replaced the original zipfile with his new one.
Here is a map I hadn't seen for many years until me and Hypov8 found it recently.
Green Hell is a medium to large death match map converted from Quake2 by {420}Mayhem. It has a green theme with green lighting and green slime. It is in the classic Quake2 style and is a good map from the early days of Kingipin (just stay clear of the silly trap room). The map name is gh_beta.bsp
The 420 crew were quite prolific map makers back in the day and at one stage it seemed every second map was made by one of their members :)
You can download Green Hell by {420}Mayhem from here.
Just extract the files from the zip to your kingpin folder and the files will be placed in the correct locations.
Last Sunday night's game was a lot of fun and we plan to have another informal game this Sunday night.
Details are:-
Server : Luschen Deathmatch Server
IP Address :
Maxclients : 16
Date : Sunday 21st February
Time : 20.00 (8pm) GMT
If you don't have the latest Gamespylite server browser you can download it from here.
Check the world clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 8pm GMT.
Update 22/02/16 Another good game. Lots of players and lots of maps played. It will be Bagman next week. It would be great to see some more new faces next week :)
Captain Death has released a new version of his Kingpin Multi Patch. It now contains 5 patches for the Kingpin - Life of Crime Retail (CD) and GoG versions.
The patches are:-
1) Console clear command disable
This patch prevents the console from being cleared which also clears any chat text. A couple of mods send the clear command for no good reason when a player spawns.
2) Console condump command disable
This patch disables the condump command that gets sent along just before the clear command in some mods for no good reason.
3) Screen resolution
This patch allows video mode 6 (1600x1200) to be changed to another resolution.
The system is scanned for available video modes and presents them as options for the user to choose. Screen aspect ratio is also displayed.
The original 1600x1200 resolution can be restored.
The menu entry for mode 6 is also updated to reflect the chosen resolution.
4) Audio frequency fix
There is a bug in the Kingpin audio startup code that prevents setting the output frequency to 44100 KHz.
This patch allows a frequency to be chosen regardless of the value in s_khz.
Available frequencies are 11025, 22050, 44100 KHz. The original startup code can be restored.
5) Weapon FOV
This patch allows the player weapon to remain displayed when the FOV is above 90.
The engine maximum FOV is 160 and this can be chosen.
You can download the patch from or I have uploaded it to here.
I have applied it to Kingpin on Windows 10 64 bit and it works fine. If you have any issues then please post in the comments for this post and CD will sort it out.
As previously stated this is for the CD and GoG versions of the game. If you have the Steam version you can use the Steam resolution fix which you can download here.
Can you believe a guy called X-OOM made a Kingpin map for Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne. I understand it follows the complete Kingpin storyline:-
Welcome to Kingpin - Life of Crime, my newest Map for Warcraft 3 Tft. This Map took very much work and it has a Urban, Gangsta Atmosphere in it just like the real Game. There are over 300 custom sounds like in the Game and much of its Features added. There is a 4 Player coop Mode, but do a little Singpleplayer Playtrough here. ...
It features:-
8 different Weapons,Organic City with lots of Characters to talk to,Talking/Insulting spells with lots of dialogue,Over 360 custom sounds,Big City with Urban Gangster Style and different Areas,Lots and lots of Cusses and Violence,Cutscenes ...
Fredz uploaed the latest version of this map to so if you have Warcraft 3 and want to try this out you can download it here. or from Warcraft 3 site here.
There is also a series of playthough videos at Youtube. There are thirteen videos in total and the first one, naturally enough,starts with the opening Kingpin cutscene done Warcraft 3 style.
Here is the first video.
As you would imagine we host a lot of map packs here at
Therer are map packs dedicated to individual mappers, map packs with themes such as Quake1 maps or Halloween maps and map packs for popular Death Match and Bagman maps.
We also host the BCs_Map-Pack-n-Yo-Ass map packs which contain all known maps up to about 2013. These are split into small packs but there are a lot of them. We also have packs for 1999, 2000, and 2001 which contain some of the best maps from those years.
The map packs are found in the downloads section kingpin -> main -> maps -> map-packs. They are split into three categories - > creator which are the individual mappers map packs, theme which is the map packs with a theme and _old which is the BCs map packs and the Bagman and Death Match map packs.
This is the map-packs folder here.
Here are direct links to the large Death Match and Bagman map packs:-
Death Match map pack
Bagman map pack
Here is Macanah's most recent Quake2 map conversion to Kingpin. It's called Soisv2 and is a medium sized, two level, multi room map. It has minimal textures and feautres several teleports. There are ample weapons and items.
You can download Soisv2 from here.
Macanah has added this to his kingpin ffa ( server.
A good Kingpin video review at Youtube by Tehsnakerer. One commenter summed it up as:-
A enjoyable look back onto a cult classic. Well throughout, short and genuinely entertaining insight.
Twentry three and a half minutes of one person's interesting perspective of the game :)
Just a reminder about the informal game organised for this Sunday night 14th February at the Luschen Deathmatch Server.
The start time is planned for around 8pm GMT and [M] will be around to admin the game. Hopefully it will go for several hours.
Details are:-
Server : Luschen Deathmatch Server
IP Address :
Maxclients : 16
Date : Sunday 14th February
Time : 20.00 (8pm) GMT
A lot of maps have been added in the last few days so there is quite a selection on the server now.
If you don't have the latest, working, Gamespylite server browser you can download it from here.
Just extract to your kingpin/gamespylite folder and overwrite existing file. If you don't have a kingpin/gamespylite just create one and extract the file to there.
Update 15/02/16 It was a good game. While we didn't quite fill the server, people were dropping in all game which went for more than seven hours lol.
Another of the maps me and Hypov8 found is 420DM1 by {420}Voodoo. This is a small deathmatch map that looks to be a Quake2 conversion. It uses all Kingpin textures, has one of every weapon except the flamer and has some armour and health. There is one teleport in the map and also a secret room full of weapons but I can't figure out how to get back out of it lol.
You can downloa 420DM1 from here.
Truzenzuzex has set up a Hitmen server running out of the USA. A lot of you would remember the classic Da Playgroundz Hitmen server and this is his latest version of that server (its the same one as we used to run at KingpinForever)
Name : KP4EVER's Da PlayGroundZ! ~ Hitmen Mod
IP Address :
Maxclients : 16
You don't actually need the Hitmen files to play unless you want to use the grappling hook then you will need them. The Hitmen mod is a small download which you can grab from here.
Some of you may know about this already but for those of you who don't - Fredz put together a webpage that highlights all the stuff that was left out of the final version of Kingpin. It includes things like weapons, weapon mods, armour, maps, skins, NPC's, buildings, bits of trivia about the game etc.
If you're a fan of Kingpin you will find it an interesting and informative read.
You can check it out at his website here.
Macanah has released his 3rd Kingpin map and his second converted from his Quake2 maps.
This one is another deathmatch map called 4got. It has a large main area and a smaller area connected by a corridor and teleports. It's a bright map with mainly wood textures on the walls, wooden platforms to walk on and there is water at the bottom of the main room.
You can download 4got from here.
The other night me and Hypov8 did a search through our maps folders looking for any maps that weren't available for download anywere that we know of. Of course we found a few.
One of them is GreenHell by {GT}Bloody (which is ironic as another of the maps we found is also called GreenHell).
This one is a small to medium sized deathmatch map. It is made up of five rooms, a central room and four surrounding rooms. Each room has one of the weapons and ammo and the four surrounding rooms also have armour, health and cooling mods.
Like all {GT}Bloody maps this uses bright, custom textures, and has mainly green walls with wooden beams and yellowish lighting. Thev windows and skylights feature decorative glass textures.
You can download GreenHell by {GT}Bloody from here.
There are currently three Newskool servers running out of the UK.
Newskool Bagman -
Newskool Fragfest -
Newskool Team Deathmatch -
All of the servers are 16 clients and run custom maps.
If you are in the UK or Europe jump in and give thenm a try :)
I made a version of the Kingpin map Frag'N'Die2 for KingpinQ3.
It's just a small, one room, map but the Kingpin map was pretty popular so I thought I would make a version for KPQ3.
You can download the map from here.
Just place the pk3 file in your kpq3_beta-1/basekpq3 folder.
The map is currently in rotation at Macanahs KPQ3 server
kpq3 ffa
There is an informal game organised for this Sunday night 14th February at the Luschen Deathmatch Server.
The start time is planned for around 8pm GMT and [M] will be around to admin the game. Hopefully it will go for several hours.
Details are:-
Server : Luschen Deathmatch Server
IP Address :
Maxclients : 16
Date : Sunday 14th February
Time : 20.00 (8pm) GMT
Check the world clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 8pm GMT.
There are two Kingpin Facebook Groups so if you are a fan of Kingpin and have Facebook why not join these groups and hang out with like minded people. It only takes one click of the mouse on the join button :)
The two Kingpin Groups are:-
Kingpin LOC, Back to the Past..
Kingpin : Life Of Crime
Feel like playing the single player Kingpin game, or some of the great single player mods, in coop mode with some friends?
Well, currently, Macanah is running a Kingpin Co-op server which is located in Australia. Coop Kingpin
Just download and install the small Kingpin co-op files and you should be good to go. Get them from here.
A map we didn't have in our archive is a Bagman map called Assassins Gangland by AI_PharoahTT.
This is a medium sized, none mirrored, BM map which is basically made up of bits of the single player Kingpin maps (Central Towers, Steel Town, Radio City etc). I'm sure you will recognise all the parts when you play the map.
The safes need to be opened with buttons which are nearby and the money drop is good as it looks like someone is throwing the money out a window :)
There are no weapon caches as such but weapons are spread throughout the map.
You can download Assassins Gangland from here.
You are probably aware that last year a beta of KingpinQ3 was released.
Fredz has now uploaded the KingpinQ3 beta files to
You can download the KingpinQ3 files from here.
There is currently one KingpinQ3 server running
kpq3 ffa
How to join this server you ask.
You can either start the game and pull down the console and type -
or if you have Qtracker server browser installed you can follow these instructions to add KingpinQ3 to Qtracker here.
Fredz has added a direct link to the updated Kingpin Gamespy Lite in the Menu pane on the left.
Just extract the kingpinspylite.exe file to your Kingpin/Gamespy folder (it will overwrite the original one so make a backup of that before you overwrite it if you want to).
Fredz found some maps we didn't have in the map archive and so uploaded them.
One of the maps he uploaded is Death Pit Final by Conor.
This is a small, arena style, DM map with a central pit area and an outside corridor. It has a concrete and metal theme with red lighting. It has ample health and armour and all weapons except the tommygun and flamer.
You can download Death Pit Final from here.
[M] has added this map to his Luschen Botmatch and Deathmatch servers.
I just found this review of the Kingpin single player mod Nightwork at the Factory.
It's a good overall review and is written by Jblade. You can check it out here.
If you want to play the mod the review has a link to Felikkz7's website so you can download the mod from there or you can get it from our file archive here.
Don't forget the manual and comic strip which you can download here
Just letting you all know that Kingpin is on sale at Steam, for $4.99 US, until 13th February Steam time lol.
Why not gift it to a friend and get them hooked too :)
Check it out at the Kingpin Steam page here.
If you have the Steam version of Kingpin and want to experience the game in 1920 x 1080 resolution then download and install this fix.
The zipfile contains two files (ResolutionSettings.ini and winmm.dll) which you should extract to ..\SteamGames\SteamApps\common\Kingpin.
By default the fix changes all resolution modes to 1920x1080, but it can be changed via editing ResolutionSettings.ini (description inside file).
Just letting you know that [M] has added the recent map release Carney Park to his Luschen Botmatch and Deathmatch server.
You can download the Carney Park map from here.
Had a good game on the Luschen Deathmatch server today with a lot of people :)
Here is the 2nd map from Macanah. This is another smallish deathmatch map and is converted from his Quake2 map. This one is called Plattyv4.
If you're keen to give it a try you can download it from here.
Macanah has added this to his kingpin FFA server.
Monkville is a single player mod made by Badmonk back in the day.The player goes to Monkville to track down Badmonk:-
BadMonk is back again, this time he has moved to a little place
called Monkville. He is not very popular there since people always
end up dead when he´s around. Kill him if you can = )
EmoLevelDesigner has done a good video playthough over at YouTube.
If you want to play Monkville for yourself you can download it from here.
Just follow instructions in the readme to install it.
Just letting you all know that there is a Steam group for Kingpin players that live in the European Union (EU).
The group is called EU Kingpin and this is a link to their page here.
It doesn't have that many members at the moment so if you live in the EU why not click that Join Group button :)
If they get enough people to join maybe they can organise some multiplayer games.
Just a reminder that the server browser that comes with most editions of Kingpin, Gamespylite, was updated by Fredz a while ago and so it works again.
Originally it stopped working after Gamespy shut down but thanks to Fredz we have a new version which still works :)
Just extract the kingpinspylite.exe file to your Kingpin/Gamespy folder (it will overwrite the original one so make a backup of that before you overwrite it if you want to).
The one thing that doesn't work now is the chat.
You can download the updated Gamespylite - Kingpin from here.
Macanah is a Quake2 mapper who will be converting some of his maps to Kingpin. However, his first map release, is an original map and is called Jokin. It is a smallish, multi level DM map.
You can download it from here.
Macanah has added this to his kingpin FFA server.
Updated the website with the following:
- Added Buy Kingpin to the menu
- Fixed default comment picture to thug

- Turned the logo into a button so it always links back to home
- Added email, facebook, google and printfriendly buttons to pages
- Video post support
Read More
acc has released a new DM map called Carney Park. It's a small arena-style deathmatch map set in snow-covered Carney Park.
You can download it from here.
After designing the new website, I combined it with a cms and it should now be possible and easier to post some new Kingpin news.
A lot of new features should be available, such as:
- Easier to post news
- Comments on post
- Categories
But there are a few things that require some more work, like:
- Download page still needs to be redesigned and probably better integrated, although the folder directory should already be easier to follow up with the the kingpin directory.
- We need better integrations from the menu, and the menu probably also needs to be revised
- Testing and fixing
And, of course: Keep playing Kingpin!
Read More