The game this Thursday 29th Sept. at 9pm UK time, is death match on the Newskool Fragfest server.
Details are:-
Server : Newskool Fragfest
IP :
Maxclients : 18
Date : Thursday 29th Sept.
Time : 21.00 (9pm) UK Time
Admin : Monkey Harris
Check out the wordclock here to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm in the UK.
Screens from the game:-
Back in 2000 Tunnleram released two betas of a death match map called Assassins Mountain Stream. We already hosted beta2 but I have just uploaded beta4.
Assassins Mountain Stream beta2 is a medium sized death match map set in mountainous area with lots of water. There are ample weapons and items and the map has a good layout. Be careful in the water though as there is a strong current.
You can download Assassins Mountain Stream beta2 from here.
Assassins Mountain Stream beta4 is a much larger version of the map. Tunnleram added a large complex to the map with several areas.
You can download Assassins Mountain Stream beta4 from here.
I found some old screenshots from a game on the Detropolis server from 2006.
A couple of us are still around :)
If you're in one of these screens let us know by leaving a comment below.
Kingpin is currently on sale at both Steam and
At Steam Kingpin is discounted to $4.99 US and is on sale until October 4th.
At GOG it is only $3.99 US and is on sale as part of their Back to School Sale. Kingpin is currently ranked 112th on it's Popular games list.
What a great time to gift a copy to a friend :)
Check it out here:-
Unfortunately the Steam & button for Kingpin wont show up if it is banned in your country, such as Germany.
The game on Sunday, 25th September, is Bagman on Killa's server at 9pm UK time.
Server : Sundays Bagman Game
IP :
Mod : Bagman
Time : 9pm UK time
Maxclients : 16
Admin : Killa
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
Hope to see you all there :)
Screens from the game
Here is an older, medium sized, Bagman map made by Propane. It's a fairly standard 'two forts' style map with a couple of nice features like a reflective floor and giant spinning globe. There are the usual rooms in the bases containing weapons and armour and the safes have to be opened by pressing a small switch which is nearby. The area between the two bases is fairly plain with just the money drop in the centre.
You can download Teams, Die Hard from here.
Do you like shiney things? If so you will like the reflective weapon skins which,I believe, were created by {GT}Knight.
These skins give the weapons a reflective, or chrome, effect. They are in a pak file (pak3).
You can download the chrome skins from here.
Just extract/unzip the pak3 file to your kingpin/main folder.
If you already have a pak3 file just rename it to another name such as pak4, pak5 etc (up to pak9).
If you look to the left to the Visitor counter you will see e have just past 50,000 visits :)
I would just like to thank everyone for visiting our site since we opened in February. Thanks for downloading Kingpin files, playing Kingpin, and generally helping to keep Kingpin alive.
Not bad for a game that is seventeen years old. Now lets move forward to 100,000 visits :)
Hitmen is the game being played this Thursday 9pm UK time.
Game details:-
Server : --Thursdays Hitmen Game--
IP :
Time : 9pm UK time
Date : 22th Sept.
Maxclients : 16
Admin : Killa
Check out the worldclock here to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm in the UK.
Screens from the game:-
Here is the third and, probably, the most popular of the original models that have been made for Kingpin. It was made by Evilbunny and was the first custom model released for Kingpin.
Anthea is actually two models as the zipfile also contains the Leah expansion pack which adds more skins, more heads and several extras such as Raybans & Pink sunnys, a collar for the leather jacket, chrome thigh boots and a Bunny costume (ears and tail). The model has Kingpin vweap support except you see the AK47 instead of the HMG.
You can download the Anthea model from here.
These files need to be extracted/unzipped to your kingpin/main/players folder.
There is also a skins pack for the Anthea model which you can download from here.
Extract these files to your kingpin folder.
One of the maps we have been playing recently on the Newskool Fragfest server is Bridge Arena by AB|Jones.
Bridge Arena is a small, arena style, death match map which contains 4 buildings in each corner of the map all connected by small bridges. There is also a small electrical station in the middle of the map and rivers of slime underneath each bridge.
There are ample weapons and items in this map including two cooling mods on little window ledges.
You can download Bridge Arena from here.
Captain Death is working on an update for the Power2 mod.
For those who don't know Power2 is a team based capture and hold mod. Each map contains three control points which the two teams must control to gain points and win the round.
The update to the Power2 mod includes adding the new Monkey Mod features, adding the harpoon grappling hook and making it so that when a team captures a control point it stops spinning for five seconds and the other team can't capture it until it starts spinning again.
More Bagman this Sunday starting 9pm UK time.
Game details:-
Server : Newskool Bagman
IP :
Maxclients : 18
Date : Sunday 18th Sept.
Time : 21.00 (9pm) UK Time
Admin : Monkey Harris
Check the world clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
The second of the original player models made for Kingpin is Fallen Angel which was made by $P1@T.
This is a male player model and is a devil with a green skin and white wings. There is one head and body skin and two legs skins. The model has full Kingpin vweap support (which means you will see the model using all the different Kingpin weapons).
You can download the Fallen Angel (male_devil) player model from here.
There was some conjecture during the Thursday death match game that EvilBunny had dropped in for a game. Evilbunny was a modeller back in the early days of Kingpin.
It made me think about the many models that had been made for Kingpin. Of all these models only three are original models made for Kingpin with the rest being converted from other games.
One of the original models is Anna Louise. It's a female player model and was made by Hellhound. The model is a young woman who is wearing a baseball helmet and looks like she can take care of herself. The model comes with just one skin, but with accesories including rayban glasses and the backpack. The model has KP vweap support and uses a baseball bat instead of the pipe.
You can download Anna Louise from here.
Killa is working on his first map for Kingpin. It's a small bagman map where the setting is a mirrored version of the stairs area of the Central Towers map.
It's coming along nicely but there is still more work to do.
Here are some shots:-
The game this Thursday 15th Sept. at 9pm UK time, is death match on the Newskool Fragfest server.
Details are:-
Server : Newskool Fragfest
IP :
Maxclients : 18
Date : Thursday 15th Sept.
Time : 21.00 (9pm) UK Time
Admin : Monkey Harris
Check out the wordclock here to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm in the UK.
Screens from the game:-
Screens that Killa took:-
I have uploaded an older death match map called JWS1B, which was made by JWS.
It is a smallish one room map that only features the shotgun, tommy gun and one grenade launcher. There are many boxes in the room and there are some areas of the room that are light and some other areas that are a bit darker.
You can download JWS1B fromn here.
If you're looking to do some Kingpin fragging but there is no one around why not try the Luschen Botmatch Server.
This is a death match server running custom maps where you can play against bots and other players.
Server : Luschen Botmatch Server
IP :
Maxclients : 18
Just a reminder aobut [M]'s Kingpin chat room.
Anyone looking to have a chat about Kingpin or looking for one or two people for a game should think about using [M]'s kingpin chat.
You can check it out here.
Now that Monkey Harris has added a rocket mode to the latest Monkey Mod I thought it would be a good time to post about this older map called Rocket Arena.
Rocket Arena, by Tilak is a small, arena style, map with the only weapons being rocket launchers. It does include rocket ammo, pistol mods, armour and health packs too. The map also containes several jump pads to get you up to the second level walkways and around the map. With the only wepaon being the rocket launcher the action is pretty frantic.
You can download Rocket Arena (rarena.bsp) from here.
It's Bagman again this Sunday starting 9pm UK time.
Game details:-
Server : Newskool Bagman
IP :
Maxclients : 18
Date : Sunday 11th Sept.
Time : 21.00 (9pm) UK Time
Admin : Monkey Harris
Check the world clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
Big crowd at game today -
Just letting you know that Macanah has updated the URL for his Kingpin and Quake 2 site. He has also set up a Kingpi nforum (which you need to register for).
Macanah's Site
Macanah's Kingpin Forum
KP King Of The Hill!! is a death match map, made by RWC, in the early days of Kingpin.
It's a small map with the only weapon is a crowbar and some pistol mods which are at the top of a large 'hill' made out of boxes. Race to the top and become the king :)
You can download KP King Of The Hill!! from here.
It looks like Interplay is going to sell all of it's games.
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 7, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Leading video game software developer, publisher, and licensor, Interplay Entertainment Corp., today announced a process to sell its library of video game assets and intellectual property. The expected sale represents some 70 titles and dozens of characters.
Interplay currently owns the rights to some well-known video games, including Earthworm Jim, Freespace, Giants, Kingpin, Messiah, MDK, Run Like Hell, Sacrifice, Battlechess, Clayfighter, Dark Alliance and Descent.
Who knows what this could lead to.
You can read more about it here.
We will be playing the very popular Hitmen mod this Thursday 9pm UK time.
Game details:-
Server : --Thursdays Hitmen Game--
IP :
Time : 9pm UK time
Date : 8th Sept.
Maxclients : 16
Admin : Killa
Check out the worldclock here to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm in the UK.
Screens from the game :-
Here are a couple of shots of an CTF Map I am working on. It's was originally a Half-life map which Hypov8 converted to Kingpin as a Bagman map.
I suggested he make a Capture The Flag version but he gave it to me to do. It's almost done and just needs a little tweaking and play testing.
Here is a screenie from an unplanned game on Macanah's death match FFA server last night. Two of the guys in the shot hadn't played for thirteen years or so but recently bought the game from and went lookign for a game.
We are still seeing a few new players and some older players returning to the game.
So I thought I would repost about the information I put together for new players. It's basically helpful information for new players which includes a whole bunch of links to files that will enhance your Kingpin experience.
If you has just bought Kingpin from Steam, GOG or Desura, or if you has just started playing again after being away for many years this information with be of value to you.
You can check it out here.
G()^T has a new Youtube video channel dedicated to Kingpin vidos.
So far he has two short videos of his upcoming Codmod highlighting the drone and an unfinished turret model. It also features videos of recent games including the game of Rocket mode death match last Thursday.
You can check out the channel here.
In case you don't know Killa also records videos for some of the weekly games. You can check those out here.
The game on Sunday, 4th September, is Bagman on Killa's server at 9pm UK time.
Server : Sundays Bagman Game
IP :
Mod : Bagman
Time : 9pm UK time
Maxclients : 16
Admin : Killa
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
Killa's server has a good mix of popular Bagman maps, new maps, and some lesser known maps, that if played, would probably become favourties as well.
I only remebered to take one screenei tooday:-
Here is an old death match map, by Hypov8, called Broken Towers.
Broken Towers is a large, Central Towers style map, that has been trashed. You'll see what I mean by looking at the sceens :)
You can download Broken Towers from here.