I was at gamepressure.com today looking for a game guide and decided to see if they had any info on Kingpin.
To my surprise I found not only do they have a Kingpin page but they offer a couple of Kingpin downloads.
I was happy to see that they host the COLORS CTF Mod files and what's interesting is that they were only uploaded earlier this month :)
You can check it out here.
*** Please visit their Kingpin page here and click on the thumbs up :) ***
This Sunday's game at 9pm UK time will be the COLORS CTF Mod.
Server : Newskool CTF
IP :
Maxclients : 18
Date : Sunday 31st July
Time : 21.00 (9pm) UK Time
Admin : MH
Check out the wordclock here to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm in the UK.
Make sure you have the two latest CTF map releases:-
CTF Bite
CTF Bricktobrick
Big game today which went for over five hours:-
I know I'm a few weeks late but just letting you know that Kingpin was seventeen years old on June 30th .
Happy Brithday Kingpin :)
Acc has released a new version of his program that converts Build Engine maps to Quake 2 (Kingpin) format.
Check out the latest news and grab the updated program in the Kingpinforever forums here.
If you look in the menu Section on the left you will see a link has been added again for the Gamespy Lite Kingpin server browser.
We have put it back because it is such an important program for Kingpin. It is the most downloaded file here with over 350 downloads. You all need a server browser so you can see the Kingpin servers and come play online :)
Just extract the kingpinspylite.exe file to your Kingpin/Gamespy folder (it will overwrite the original one).
Some versions of Kingpin don't include Gamespylite so if you don't have a kingpin/gamespy folder just create one and extract the file to there.
Just click on the link in the Menu Section to download Gamespy Lite.
If you would prefer to use the [M]-Browser, made by [M], which is independant of qtracker or gamespy, so it works even when those are down, then you can download it from here.
The game at 9pm UK time this Thursday 28th July is going to be Bagman again on Killa's server.
Server : Thursdays Bagman Game
IP :
Mod : Bagman
Time : 9pm UK time
Maxclients : 16
Admin : Killa
Check out the wordclock here to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm in the UK.
Come along and join in the fun :D
Screens from the game:-
I was surprised to see we didn't have this map in our archive.
Fatcap, by Colt, is a smallish death match map. It is made up of two separate square rooms only connected by teleports. The teleports transport you to the other room, to a small upper level, where there are weapons and armour.
Thanks to Whoop Ass we can now host this map here :)
You can download Fatcap from here.
This guy gets what he deserves :)
Monkey Harris asked if it was possible to convert the popular Bagman map Team BricktoBrick, by
Sonik, to the CTF mod.
Team Bricktobrick is an excellent little map by Sonik and, as the .map file was available, and it would be a relatively simple task to do, I was able to oblige.
It's a small, urban style map with some nice gritty looking texturing. It's a mirrored map with the two bases inside old industrial stlye buildings and a grated river of slime in the in the centre of the map separating the two sides.
Monkey Harris has already added it to his Newskool CTF server.
You can download CTF Bricktobrick here.
This Sundays game at 9pm UK time is death match on the Newskool Fragfest server.
Details are:-
Server : Newskool Fragfest server
IP :
Time : 9pm UK time
Date : Sunday 24th July
Maxclients : 18
Admin : MH
Check out the wordclock here to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm in the UK.
If you can't make the start check in a bit later as there will probably be people still playing :)
Screens from the game:-
Here is a map I don't think I had seen before until Whoop Ass sent it to me.
emeyebee_1 (or MIB 1) is a medium to large death match map made by 4nik for the M.I.B. clan.
It has everything lol - custom textures, drug references, gothic imagery, trap rooms, empty rooms, at least one secret room and even contains horses.
You can download emeyebee_1 from here.
In case you have missed any of the recent amp releases here is a summary:-
Death Match
Stalker Arena - Mr Damage
Blood - Macanah
Zoar Beta - Whoop Ass
DM Downtown 2016 - Whoop Ass
Trainyard Mayhem2 - [YFS]Mayhem & Hypov8
Team Crossfire 2016 - Mr Damage
Team Bite 2016 - Mr Damage & Macanah
CTF Bite - Mr Damage & Macanah
Hypov8 has created a DMFlags calculator which might be of some help to people who are setting up Kingpin servers.
Most death match servers have the DMFlags value set to 788 and Bagman servers to 1812 but if you wish to use other values this calculator will help.
You just tick which values you want to use, such as Weapons Stay, No Falling Damage etc, and the program will calculate the DMFlags value you need to use.
You can downlaod the DMFlags calculator from here.
The game at 9pm UK time this Thursday is going to be Bagman on Killa's server.
Server : Thursdays Bagman Server
IP :
Mod : Bagman
Time : 9pm UK time
Date : Thursday 21st July
Maxclients : 16
Admin : Killa
Check out the wordclock here to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm in the UK.
I hope you can make it. Remember if you can't make the start then turn up later as the game will probably still be going :)
If you still need a kingpin server browser:-
Shots from the game:-
If you look at the Visitor Counter you will see we have just passed 25,000 visits.
Thank you to everyone who has visited us here. Our aim is to become the best Kingpin news and resource site ever and while you guys keep coming here we will keep working towards that goal.
Please help spread the word about Kingpin.info and please come and play some Kingpin online :)
Thanks again for visiting and please come back again soon.
I'm still adding maps from Captain Death's map list and Whoop Ass's map zipfile that they sent me.
One we didn't host here but I had on an old Kingpin install is Metalblood.
Metalblood is a smallish arena style map, which I assume is by Bloody, which uses very few textures. The map has a yellow and orange metalic look throughout the map which consists of three levels. There are plenty of weapons and it looks like it would play ok with a small crowd.
You can downlaod Metalblood from here.
Occassionaly, when we are playing, people ask about crowbar only maps. As far as I know there are three:-
Crowbar arena - A typical Kingpin style map by Mexican Radio. Good looking map.
You can download Crowbar Arena from here.
1872 - The same map as 1873 except there is only one weapon which is a crowbar. This is a small circular map . You spawn on an upper level and jump down to grab the crowbar and get into the action :)
You can download 1872 from here.
Crowbar Ring Beta - A small map, set in and around a boxing ring, by Titleist.
You can download Crowbar Ring Beta from here.
This Sunday's game at 9pm UK time will be the COLORS CTF Mod.
Server : Newskool CTF
IP :
Maxclients : 16
Date : Sunday 17th July
Time : 21.00 (9pm) UK Time
Admin : MH
Check out the wordclock here to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm in the UK.
See you there :)
Shots from the game:-
I have now added the old death match map Dirty to our maps archive.
Dirty is a bright, three level, map which is famous for being one of the first Kingpin maps to have see through floors between the levels.
There are platforms and ladders to move between levels and there are more than enough weapons and items.
You can download Dirty from here.
We host a couple of programs that help you convert Build engine game maps. Games that use the Build engine include Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior, Redneck Rampage and Blood.
You can get these programs from here.
Now in some good news Acc is also working on a program that converts Build maps to the Quake 2 engine.
It's a very early release. Alpha. Like capital Alpha. The program converts
Build Engine maps version 7 (that is anything from Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow
Warrior, Redneck Rampage, Nam, WWII GI, PaintBrawl, Witchaven II, and Fate)
to iD Software's Quake II maps.
You can check it out in this forum post here.
Here is an older skin pack of thug skins made by Undead Fred.
Everyone loves zombies and this pack has several zombie skins. The included skins are an Undead Fred skin, other zombie skins, a Jason Voorhees skin, some band t-shirt and a Space Ghost skin. All for the thug model.
Check the read me for skin names.
You can download the Undead Fred Thug Skin pack from here.
Just extract all files to your Kingpin folder.
Here is my latest map which I worked on for a week or two and finally finished last week.
Stalker Arena is a small death match map inspired by the arena in the game Stalker SOC.
I have tried to create the feeling of an arena deep underground where combatants fight for their lives :)
There are plenty of boxes and crates spread around the map, 12 player spawns and ample weapons and other items. I included a custom crowd sound to imply there is an audience watching the fights baying for blood lol.
Hypov8 assisted with some nice and helpful ideas and reducing the rspeeds in the map, overall helping to improve the map.
I hope you all enjoy it.
You can download Stalker Arena from here.
Btw, If you want to see some more of my attempts at mapping, I have many of the maps I have worked on at my Mr Damage Maps site here.
Also , why not visit Hypov8's Hypo Central mapping site here.
A bit of a treat this week as Killa will be running multiple mods for the Thursday game.
Killa's server runs the KPZ mod which allows seemless swapping of mods it supports. So this week Killa plans on running some Real Mode, Death Match and Hitmen.
Game details:-
Server : Thursday Night Game
IP :
Time : 9pm UK time
Date : Thursday 14th July
Maxclients : 16 Admin : Killa
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
All welcome so come along for some fun :)
Screenshots from the game:-
I have put together some helpful information for new players which is basically a whole bunch of links to files that will enhance your Kingpin experience.
If you has just bought Kingpin from Steam, GOG or Desura, or if you has just started playing again after being away for many years this information with be of value to you.
It includes links to:-
high respolution patches
single player maps
server browsers
multi player map-packs
player models
Kingpin websites
Kingpin Facebook Groups
You can check it out here.
I have uploaded two death match maps made by Tunnleram back in the day.
They are both DM versions of two of his Bagman maps. The maps are Assassins City Killers and Assassins Gemini Temple Conversion.
Assassins City Killers is a smallish, multi level, map which uses standard textures and has ample weapons and items.
It wouldn't look out of place if it was added to some servers :)
You can download Assassins City Killers from here.
Assassins Gemini Temple Conversion was originally a Quake 2 CTF map. It was converted to Kingpin as a Bagman map (several times), there is a Kingpin CTF version and now there is a version for death match. The dm version is much smaller of course.
You can download Assassins Gemini Temple Conversion from here.
Here are some screenshots from the Sunday game of Bagman:-
Here is a Claire Redfield skin for the bitch model. Claire Redfiled is a character from the Resident Evil games.
You can download the Claire Redfield skin from here.
Just extract all files to your Kingpoin folder.
The skin names are head_6cr, body_6cr, legs_6cr.
To change to this skin pull down the console and type in - skin "female_bitch/6cr 6cr 6cr".
1new8 is a large death match map made by Control back in 2000.
It is urban stlye and has many buildings and outside areas to frag in. It has ample weapons and item spread throughout the map. It has many areas and a few of them are very dark and there are a few dead ends which affects the flow of the map a little.
You can downlaod 1new8 from here.
We will be playing a game of Bagman this Sunday starting 9pm UK time.
Game details:-
Server : Newskool Bagman
IP :
Maxclients : 18
Date : Sunday 10th July
Time : 21.00 (9pm) UK Time
Admin : Monkey Harris
Check the world clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
Come along and steal some cash with us :)
If there are any Poles who visit us here at Kingpin.info just letting you know we host a walkthrough of the game in Polish.
It's in PDF format and can be downlaoded from here.
I have made a new Bagman map called Team Crossfire 2016. This is a straight forward map that is a conversion to Bagman of an old death match map made by Cujo.
It's a smallish map with three ways to get to the other team's base. The middle corridor has the money drop, of course, but there is some lava that way which you have to be a bit careful not to fall into. If you do you can use the ladders to get out lol.
The bases are well laid out, with ample wepaons and some song samples playing too :)
Overall it's a fun little Bagman map which I hope you will download and play.
You can download Team Crossfire 2016 from here.
Just extract all files to your kingpin folder.
Monkey Harris has added this map to the Newskool Bagman server ready for Sunday's game :)
Just a reminder abotu the Thursday game of Hitmen.
Server : Thursday Night Game
IP : kp.servegame.com:31519
Time : 9pm UK Time
Date : 7th July
Maxclients : 16
Admin : Killa
Check the world clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9 pm in England
If you still need a kingpin server browser:-
See you there :)
Screens from the game:-
There is a Mafia Skin Pack which contains two skins for the thug model made by Don Corleone. It contains an Italian Mafia skin and a Russian Mafia skin.
You can download the thug Mafia skin pack from here.
There is also another Russian Mafia thug skin which we host in our skins archive and it is a lot different from the one above. The author of this one is unknown unfortunately.
You can download the Russian Mafia thug skin from here.
Just extract all files to your kingpin folder.
The easiest way to swich to any of these skins is to do the following:-
Start Kingpin and pull down the console (tilde key ~)
Type in - skin "male_thug/xxx xxx xxx" where xxx are the skin names (i.e to load the Russian Mafia thug skin you would type in - skin "male_thug/rus rus rus")
In another example of the global appeal of Kingpin Najlvin has done a video walkthrough of the Night Work At The Factory Single Player Episode. The commentary is in the Czech language and there are seven videos in the series.
If you haven't played Night Work yet you can find out more about it at Felikkz7's website here.
I have updated the single player maps section in our Download archive.
Every single player episode now has it's own folder so they are easier to find.
If you're looking for some custom single player action then check out our single player map archive here.
We will be playing the Hitmen mod again this Thursday 9pm England time.
You can check out the game details here.
Check out the worldclock here to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm in the UK.
We would love to see some new faces come for a game so please come along and have some fun :)
GamespyLite is not working at the time of writing this post.
[M] Browser is still working of course so if you don't have it you can download from here.
Just follow install instructions in the readme.
Update 6th July GamspyLite is working again :)
I have added the old death match map Castle Greyskull to our maps archive which was made by [THC]Bun. The map name is cg2.bsp
This is an old map from back in 2000.
As the name suggests it is a map set in a castle (but there is no skull and no He-Man).
It has eight player spawns and one of every weapon. I think this is a little light on for this map but there is plenty of ammo and health.
You can download Castle Greyskull from here.
Macanah has released a new death match map for Kingpin called Blood. It is a conversion of one of his Quake2 maps. It's a smallish map similar in style to his other maps. There are eight player spawns and one of every weapon.
You can downlaod Blood from here.
Captain Death has sent in a list of all the maps he has so I can check which ones we don't host here. Both his list and the maps sent in by Whoop Ass feature a lot of maps by Bloody we didn't have.
Bloodygallery is one of them. This is a simple death match map which consists of four rooms. Each room features different stlyes of textures, most of them being sort of pschyedelic. If you know the maps of Bloody then you know what to expect.
This map is basically a collaboration of his other maps. The rooms were previously released as Bloody_v2, Bloody14, Bloody3 and the last one I don't know. Bloody3 has no weapons so is good for Hitmen.
You can downloa Bloodygallery from here.
This Sunday's game at 9pm UK time will be the COLORS CTF Mod.
You can check out the game details here.
Check out the wordclock here to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm in the UK.
You can download the CTF client files from here.
Alternately, thanks to Monkey Harris, you can download the client files from the actual server (it will create a ctf folder and download a pak1 file into it).
The only issue with this, though, is that if you already have a pak1 in your kingpin/main folder it wont work.
So what you should do is check your main folder to see if you already have a pak1 file (most ppl wont) and if so just rename it to any number between 2 and 9 (i.e. pak2, pak3, pak4 etc). Then you will be good to go :)
There is also a mappack of the maps that MH is rotating on the Newskool CTF server which you can download from here.
Come along and do some flag capturing :)
Screen from game:-
Whoop Ass has released a new death match map called Zoar. The name means small in Hebrew.
This is a small, urban style, death match map. This map is meant for fast action and kills :)
Two tommies and shotties and one of each of the rest of the weapons and not much ammo. Eight player spawns and no where to hide :P
You can download Zoar Beta from here.
Just a reminder about the Kingpin server browsers that are available so you can find servers to play online :)
The two main ones are Gamespylite and [M] Server Browser.
Recently Fredz updated Gamespylite so all features are now working again (including the chat feature).
Just extract the kingpinspylite.exe file to your Kingpin/Gamespy folder (it will overwrite the original one).
Some versions of Kingpin don't include Gamespylite so if you don't have a kingpin/gamespy folder just create one and extract the file to there.
You can download the latest version of Gamespylite from here.
M-Browser by [M] is a Kingpin server browser that is independent from qtracker or gamespy, so it works even when those are down.
Check out the readme in the zipfile for install instructions and a list of all the features.
You can get the latest version, which is currently v1.8, from his [M] Kingpin Server List page
We also host it here.