Fredz has been doing a lot of work in the last few days checking all the zipfiles of all the Bagman maps we host here at
He has been making sure they have all the textures and sound files they should have and making sure that all the zipfiles are setup so you only have to extract the files to your Kingpin folder. The majority of the zipfiles were already good but he has found many that he had to fix.
It was a lot of work for Fredz but In my opinion was well work it :)
We have great Kingpin servers and great server admins covering the United Kingdom, Western Europe and Australasia but the rest of the world is empty.
We need some servers in USA, Eastern Europe, Asia and even South America.
If you used to run servers in one of these regions please consider putting them back online or if you haven't before but can then please do :)
Basically if there is anyone out there who can run, or organise other people to run, any Kingpin servers in these regions then please sort it out.
I'm certainly no globalist but it would be great to have Kingpin world domination :D
We played something different on Thursday and now we are back to good old Bagman this Sunday 30th October 9pm UK time.
Server : Newskool Bagman
IP :
Maxclients : 18
Date : Sunday 30th October.
Time : 21.00 (9pm) UK Time
Admin : Monkey Harris
Game details:-
Check the world clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
Screens from the game:-
A while ago, on an old HDD, I found an unreleased map set in a tennis court. I liekd the idea so I took the tennis court and built a new map around it. It just needs to be tested and then can be released.
Here is a screenshot of the work in progress.
Update 31st October After doing some testing there were several suggestions made which I am currently implementing. It shouldn't take long.
Just letting you know I have just finished updating my mapping site. It is now up to date with the latest two death match maps I made with Macanah.
You can check out my Kingpin mapping site here.
Also you can check out our other hosted site Hypo Central here.
The Crakhor female model is a high quality model made by Paul Steed for Quake2 and converted to Kingpin by {GT}Freak.
The model has full KP vweap support and comes with 30+ skins.
You can download the female Crakhor model from here.
Just extract/unzip to your Kingpin folder.
Captain Dearh is working on an updated version of the Kingpin Multi Patch 3 program. It is for the retail (CD) and GOG versions of the game.
To check a list of the features/patches that will be inlcuded click here.
Just a recap of the five most recent Bagman maps that have been released in case you missed any of them.
Team Lavapit beta2
Team Crossfire
Team Bite 2016
Team Woods 2016
Team Japan
Just extract/unzip all files to your Kingpin folder.
That's right, now that Captain Death has finished updating the power2 mod and has released the files we are going to have a game on Thursday night 9pm UK time.
Server Details:-
Server : Newskool Power2
IP :
Maxclients : 18
Date : Thursday 27th October.
Time : 21.00 (9pm) UK Time
Admin : Monkey Harris
You need client files to play this mod. The client files include the files needed to play plus all the maps.
You can download the client files from here.
Just exract/unzip the files to your kingpin folder.
**If you already have a Power2 folder delete it before installing the new Power2 files**
Please note that you can download the client files from the Newskool Power2 server but that will take time and then you will have to download every map that loads. So it's best to just download the client files from here.
Power2 is a team based capture and hold mod like the Domination mod in the original Unreal Tournament. Each map contains three control points which the two teams (Warriors and Rogues) must control to gain points and win the round.
So come along on Thursday and try out this mod with us all :)
The server is up now if you want to check it out.
Screenshots from the game:-
Captain Death has now released the client files for the Power2 mod.
The files contain all you need to play on a Power2 mod server. The client files also contain all the available Power2 maps made so far.
For those who don't know Power2 is a team based capture and hold mod. Each map contains three control points which the two teams (Warriors and Rogues) must control to gain points and win the round.
You can download the Power2 mod client files from here.
Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder.
**If you already have a Power2 folder delete it before installing the new Power2 files**
Pits of Unimaginable Neverending Doom!!, or team_pound, is a great looking Bagman map made by Whoop Ass and Jaxon.
It is a medium to large Bagman map set in space. It's a high quality map which features mainly custom textures and the bases and team areas are nicely defined with textures featuring red or blue and blue strips.
You can download Team Pound from here.
For the second game in a row we managed to fill the Bagman server for a short while on Sunday night. That is a total of sixteen players.
Quite an achievement I think :)
Here are some screens :-
Server : Sundays Bagman Game
IP :
Mod : Bagman
Time : 9pm UK time
Maxclients : 16
Admin : Killa
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
If you stil need a Kingpin server browser:-
[M]'s server browser
We also host a map pack of popular Bagman maps here.
Some shots from the game:-
AB|Jones has now released a beta of his new Bagman map called Team Lavapit.
It is a medium sized Bagman map in the two forts style. It's mirrored and uses both standard and custom textures.
It has ample weapons and items and it features a trap at the money drop area which should make things interesting :)
***Update Monday*** AB:Jones has fixed the bug and beta2 has been released.
You can download Team Lavapit beta2 from here.
Btw this is his first new map for Kingpin since 2007 :)
Today, while playing the Thursday Hitmen game, we managed to fill the server with players. For a little while sixteen people were in the server which is the maximum player load for that server :)
Fourteeen people were playing with two spectators.
It took a while but we finally got there :D
Thanks to everyone who turned up for a game today and to everyone who has played since we started playing again last February.
Here are some screens from the game:-
If anyone is having problems running Kingpin in Linux/Ubuntu where you are getting a grey screen after running the game then check this forum post out here.
Hopefully that will resolve your problem.
Fredz just told me that, so far, 117 gb of Kingpin files have been downloaded from :)
Popular downloads at the moment are the hi res patches, Gamespylite, the game manual, the Star Wars skin pack and the latest two death match maps dm sludge and dm victor.
So I think this alone shows that we are serving a purpose here :D
Macanah has now set up a Crash Squad mod server.
Server details:-
Server : KP crash squad Mod
IP :
Maxclients : 24
Admin : Macanah
CRASH Squad is a multiplayer mod about the struggle between the CRASH Squad, LA's anti-gang suppression unit and the Crenshaw Mafia, a notorious LA street gang. The game play is team-based and each scenario has its own objectives. Each team has it's own subset of weapons. Weapons include pistols, shotguns, automatic weapons, assault rifles and sniper rifles along with hand weapons.
There are two scenarios:-
VIP Rescue
The CRASH Squad must escort a VIP through the city of Los Angeles to his safety while the Crenshaw Mafia attempt to stop them.
The Crenshaw Mafia must bomb one of two bombing sites while the CRASH Squad must try to stop them or defuse the bomb after it's been placed.
You can get the required Crash Squad client files from here.
Just extraxt to your Kingpin folder.
AB|Jones is working on a new Bagman map called Team Lava Pit. It's a two forts style Bagman map and features a trap at the money drop area :)
It should be finished shortly.
Here are some screens of the work in progress.
Captain Death was requesting some smaller maps for the Power2 mod. As a result I updated the Mausoleum map I posted about the other day and I also completed a map I had hanging around for several years.
Many years ago Stigma send me a map to work on but I never finished it. When looking at it recently I figured it would work out nicely as a Power2 map. So I worked on it for a couple of days and, after some beta testing and further changes, completed it. It's called Mob Rule, is a smallish street map, and uses mostly custom textures.
It will be included in the Power2 client files when they are released.
As for the version 2 Power2 client files Captain Death has now finished bug fixes and so they should be available shortly :)
Macanah has just set up a server running the Force mod.
Server details:-
Server : KP Jedi Force Mod
IP :
Maxclients : 20
Admin : Macanah
Force mod is a mod created using some of the features from the game Jedi Knight 2 into a mod for Kingpin. All weapons have been removed and replaced with a saber that you start the game with. In the Force mod the Thug, Bitch and Runt duke it out to the death with a combination of force powers and light saber combat.
Features include:-
* 3 Different Force Powers (push, pull and cloak)
* Built on Monkey Mod v1.40, for easy and secure server setup.
* High powered, high range Light Saber (no guns).
* Togglecam re-enabled
* All special engine features enabled (explosions, SP props, spawners)
There are four maps included in the Force mod files (Dual Carbon & Dual Pit by |AB|Mr.Knoxville and Team Jedi Beta & Jedi Arena by Whoop-ass). You can grab the files (which include files for running a Windows server) from here.
Just extracr/unzip files to your kingpin folder.
The game this Thursday is going to be the popular mod Hitmen.
Game details:-
Server : Thursday Night Game
IP :
Time : 9pm UK time
Date : 20th October
Maxclients : 16
Admin : Killa
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here
Come along and join in the fun :)
Macanah and I have collaboratd on another death match map. This one is called Sludge. It is a smallish, one room map with two levels, which uses standard textures. There are two teleports, ample weapons, items and thirteen player spawns.
You can download Sludge from here.
Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder.
In case you missed downloading our other recent death match map collaboration called Vector you can grab it from here.
I have added the Bagman map called Team F***ed b1 made by AB:Mike.
It's a small, frantic map set in one room with two small side corridors. We played it on Sunday and the action was crazy. The map uses standard textures and there lots of boxes and crates.
You can download the map from here.
I have added the Team H4 Beta Bagman map to our maps archive.
Team H4 beta is a medium sized Bagman map. There are several routes between bases and there are plenty of weapons and items. The cash drop is cash wads and the textures are mostly standard ones.
You can download Team H4 beta from here.
DirtyDog made the team skins for the Power2 mod. He made four skins each for the runt and thug model but only three of them were used. Captain Death has found the unused skins and will be including them in the upcoming version 2 of the mod he is working on.
Captain Death is working on fixing the one remining bug and then the Power 2 version 2 client files will be released.
In the meantime I have updated one of the maps Whoop Ass made for the original Power mod. The original Power mod had no weapons in the maps so they all needed to be added for a Power2 version. I spoke to Whoop and he gave me the uncompiled map so I could add weapons. I also addded a tiny little fun surprise :)
The map is the Mausoleum map. It is a remake by Whoop Ass of one of the maps from the old game Blood. The revised Power 2 version will be included in the upcoming Power2 client files.
In fact when the version 2 of the Power 2 client files are released they will include all the available Power 2 maps which totals over twenty.
Master mapper Whoop Ass is currently working on a new death match map. It's still in it's early stages of development but it's already looking good.
Here are some screens of the work in progress.
More Bagman planned for this Sunday stating 9pm UK time.
Game details:-
Server : Newskool Bagman
IP :
Maxclients : 18
Date : Sunday 16th October.
Time : 21.00 (9pm) UK Time
Admin : Monkey Harris
Check the world clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
Just be there :)
Screens from the game:-
Here is a video of footage from the famous Hogies Bitchslapper server back in the day.
Captain Death has nearly finished updating the Power2 mod to version 2 and fixing any bugs he found. There should be new Power2 mod client files available shortly.
If anyone is thinking of buying Kingpin but wants to try the demo out first then you are in luck because we host it here.
We also host the official Kingpin Quickstart Guide and the Manual for the game in pdf format.
Quickstart Guide
The game this Thursday 13th October, at 9pm UK time, is death match on the Newskool Fragfest server.
Details are:-
Server : Newskool Fragfest
IP :
Maxclients : 18
Date : Thursday 13th October
Time : 21.00 (9pm) UK Time
Admin : Monkey Harris
Check out the wordclock here to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm in the UK.
I hope we get a good crowd.
Remember the game usually goes for two to three hours or more so if you can't make the start time drop in later :)
What a game we had:-
There have been many Star Wars character skins made for the thug and runt models in Kingpin. They are all available in a Star Wars skin pack. The pack contains nine thug skins (including three different Darth Maul skins) and two skins for the runt model.
You can grab the Star Wars skin pack from here.
Just extract/unzip all the files to your kingpin folder.
There is a readme included which lists all the skins, the skin names and how to easily switch to the skin you want to use.
The easiest way to select these skins is type this into the console:-
skin "male_thug/xxx xxx xxx" or skin "male_runt/xxx xxx xxx"
where xxx is the head, body and legs name so for the Bobbafett thug skin it would be -
skin "male_thug/7bf 7bf 7bf"
RockPaperShotgun posted an article a few weeks ago about the sale of all the Interplay game titles (including Kingpin).
Check it out here.
It's Killa's turn to host the Bagman game this Sunday starting at 9pm UK time.
Server : Sundays Bagman Game
IP :
Mod : Bagman
Time : 9pm UK time
Maxclients : 16
Admin : Killa
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
If you stil need a Kingpin server browser:-
[M]'s server browser
We also host a map pack of popular Bagman maps here.
Screens from the game:-
Captain Death has sent in some screenshots from 2000 - 2001 from people playing his Skill mod.
Check them out and see if you recognise anyone:-
After getting some missing textures from Captain Death I put together a zipfile for the Bloody's Place (siw.bsp) Hitmen map and uploaded it here.
Bloody's Place is a medium sized,multi level, Hitmen map which features some adult textures. It also includes ample armour but, sadly, no pistol mods.
It has one issue that the lower steps can't be walked up because the height btween each one is too high so you have to jump up them.
Other than that it is fine.
You can download Bloody's Place (siw.bsp) from here.
We will be playing the Hitmen mod this Thursday 9pm UK time.
Game details:-
Server : Thursday Night Game
IP :
Time : 9pm UK time
Date : 6th October
Maxclients : 16
Admin : Killa
Check the World clock to see what time it is where
you are when it is 9pm UK time here
Come along and join in the fun :)
Shots from the game:-
Now that Captain Death has included the grappling hook in the Power2 mod he is also adding a laser trail to the hook.
Some screens:-
Macanah, Hypov8 and I have collaborated on a new death match map called Vector.
Vector is a smallish , multi levelled death match map which should be fun with either a small or large crowd.
There are twelve player spawns and ample weapons and items. There is a teleport which gets you to the cooling mod and some armour. It has been rigourously tested so should be bug free :)
You can download Vector from here.
We played the map at Thursday's Hitmen game:-
Monkey Harris sent in a screenshot from the 2000-2001 period. It contains a few names long term players will probably know.
Monkey Harris has sent in a zipfile full of demos that are about trick jumps.
From Monkey Harris:-
I noticed you have some jump demos in the download section. In case you would like some more, I've attached a bunch of them (including little "jumpschool" tutorials) that were created by Bo back in the day.
They were originally in 3 parts, but I've bundled them all together.
You can get the from here.
Just extract/unzip the files to Kingpin\main\demos
To watch them you bring down the console and type:
map xxx.dm2
The game on Sunday, 2nd October, is Bagman starting 9pm UK time on the Newskool Bagman Server.
Game details:-
Server : Newskool Bagman
IP :
Maxclients : 18
Date : Sunday 2nd October
Time : 21.00 (9pm) UK Time
Admin : Monkey Harris
Check the world clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
Come along and join in the fun :)
Screens from the game:-
As you would have seen from an earlier news post Captain Death is currently updating the Power2 mod.
If anyone wishes to create maps for Power2 we host the file which contains everything you need.
The main file is the power2_def for kprad which allows you to add the control points to your power2 maps. The zip also contains a sample map, a helpful readme and a Power2 mapping guide.
You can download the from here.
Here is a short, live action, Kingpin movie made by some Polish fans back in 2008. Nice work guys :)