Updated Bagman Map

The girls don't really appreciate the Art Erotique Bagman map like the guys do so has created an amended version just for them. In the revised version all the art has been stolen and all that is left are the boards that the paintings were mounted on.

You can download Team Art Stolen from here. 



If you want to grab the original Art Erotique Bagman map (team_art) you can download it from here.

Update 27th April For an alternate solution Acc has remade all the art textures to look like they have been defaced by vandels so all are covered up.

You can see some screens and download the updated textures from here

Just unzip the files to your kingpin/main folder and it will overwrite the existing textures if you have them.

Mr.Damage Wednesday 26 April 2017 - 11:10 | News, Map
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four comments


I know I never play online and shouldn’t bitch about it, but my little finger (what a snitch) tells me someone is scared to receive angry letters. Kidding apart, why are you doing it this way? It’s not “an amended version just for them” because you need to run that version on the server, basically making it “an amended version just for everybody connecting to the server”.

There’s a workaround though: censor the textures you deem inaproriate, create a pack with those replacements, and let people handle the issue on the client side (Kingpin doesn’t check if the file is identical, only if it’s present – I connected to Hambloch with custom crate textures and it works). If you’re really worried, ship a map pack with censored textures and an X rated pack so people can put it on if they want.

This trick won’t work with team_art_stolen since all paintings are using the same file and texture alignment is likely screwed anyway.

ACC, - 26-04-’17 15:32

Monkey defaced our favorite map! That map was a national treasure! CupCake will never get over this injustice!

Lol “Not on my watch!” made me chuckle a little bit! :)

Ellypho, - 28-04-’17 15:48

I don’t think it’s a national treasure. But I don’t see why the whole neighborhood has to fix their perfectly fine plumbing because someone else’s faucet is leaking.

ACC, - 28-04-’17 18:11

I just came across the revised map on the Newskool BM server, hah I had to come here to find out who tinkered with it. I’m almost tempted to remake it in a Pokemón theme as I still have the map file :-)

Whoop, - 16-03-’21 12:08
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