Tag overview for: 'dirtydog'

Entries on this site with 'dirtydog'

  • Another Death Match Map Uploaded
    Here is another map we didn't have. It's a DM version of the old Toxic Love (tl_eh.bsp) Hitmen map that was originally made by Shaggz . The DM version was made by DirtyDog
  • Windy City 2007 Death Match Map
    I have been thinking about this map for about a week but couldn't remember the name. Finally, I found it by looking through some old mappacks. We used to play this map, an
  • Crash Mod Skins For General Play
    Recently DirtyDog updated the Crash Mod skins. He has now released them for general use in death match servers. You can download the Crenshaw Mafia and Crash Mod thug skin
  • Deconstruction Zone Death Match Map
    Deconstruction Zone is a death match map  Dirtydog converted from SiN back in 2005. It's a smallsih map set in and around a construction site. It uses all the original SiN
  • Weapons Dealer Thug Skin
    Here is a skin for the Thug model called Weapons Dealer and made by  DirtyDog . It was made for the original Power mod but DirtyDog released it for general use. You can do
  • Munitions Dump Deathmatch Map
    -=Munitions Dump=- is a straight conversion to Kingpin of a map from the Xatrix Quake 2 Expansion Pack The Reckoning. It was converted by DirtyDog . It is a large deathmat
  • Egyptian Tomb Death Match Map
    Egyptian Tomb (etomb_rev1.bsp) is a smallish, two level, map, which has an Egyptian theme thanks to the Serious Sam textures. It was converted to Kingpin by Garcia[FnR] .
  • Recon Soldier Thug Skin
    Several years ago DirtyDog  released a skin for the Thug model based on one of the Recon soldiers in Half-Life. The skin is called Grunt2. You can download the Recon Soldi
  • Team Village Rivalry Bagman Map
    Team Village Rivalry is a sharp looking Bagman map that was made by DirtyDog . It's medium sized and uses all custom textures. It's a fairly straight forward layout. When
  • Tokay's Towers Death Match Map
    The classic Quake 2 map Tokay's Towers (q2dm2.bsp) has been converted to Kingpin twice. Once by Team Atrophy and then by DirtyDog . Tokay's Towers is a medium sized death
  • The All Mighty Edge Death Match Map
    The Quake 2 map The Edge was probably the most famous death match map for many years. It was converted to many other games including Kingpin of course. One of the Kingpin

Related tags

elfor, garcia[fnr], shaggz