New Death Match Maps

The map being converted from Quake 2 that I posted about a few weeks ago is now completed.

The map was called wolfendm3 in Quake 2 and was made by [WolfeN].

It's a medium sized , multi level, map. It has 17 player spawns and ample weapoin and items.

There are two versions - one uses the original Quake 2 textures (wolfendm3) and the other one has a few changes and uses the central towers texture set (wolfendm3_kp).

You can download the maps from here:-







Mr.Damage Tuesday 25 April 2017 - 02:04 | News, Map
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One comment


This map is in breach of my copyright permissions. Please update both maps with my original readme.txt file or remove them from this site.

Thank you.

Wolfen, (URL) - 13-04-’21 18:36
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