Team Big Town Bagman Map

Team Big Town is a Bagman map I released a couple of years ago. Because it is a large map it never gets played on the servers but now that we have big crowds for the Sunday Bagman games maybe it can get a run :)

The map is set in an urban city environment featuring many buildings, streets and intersecting passageways. There is a train station in the middle of the map which is the money drop area. I included two cash drops with both money bags and cash wads included.

The map is old style in that the weapons and items are placed all around the map and not in weapon caches in the bases (of course there are some weapons and items in the bases lol).

With a large crowd it should be a blast.

You can download Team Big Town (team_dmg3.bsp) from here.



Mr.Damage Friday 21 April 2017 - 04:03 | News, Map
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One comment


Can’t wait! :)

Ellypho, - 22-04-’17 03:26
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