Calling All Oldschool Players

There is a game of Easter Gangbang on Friday night starting 8pm UK time.

It's death match rotating the KPDM1-5 maps.

Everyone is welcome, of course, but we want Oldschool players to come along for a game. 

Game details:-

Server : Newskool Oldschool Gangbang...
IP     :
Date   : Friday 14th April
Time   : 20.00 (8pm) UK Time
Admin  : Phaere (Elly)

Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.

If some of you need to find your old CD so you can reinstall then go get to it :)

Once installed you'll need the v1.21 patch from here.

Also the updated Gamespylite which you can get from here.

Just unzip the file to your Kingpin/gamespy folder overwriting the original file.

That's all you need unless you want to install Monkey Harris's Kingpin patch that fixes a number of bugs, and adds some other improvements too (see the readme).

There are heaps of fixes and improvements, including custom screen resolutions, several download tweaks, console and hud fixes etc, and you can see a complete list here.

You can download Monkey's Kingpin patch from here.

Then just head to the server at 8pm UK time Friday night :)



Mr.Damage Friday 14 April 2017 - 10:41 | News
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