Kitmod Steam Group

If you're a fan of the Kitmod and a Steam user as well why not join Hmn's Kit`s Kit Jumpers Steam group.

A group for all the Kingpin mod players arround the world :)
Play mod games and celebrate 18 years Kingpin Life Of Crime

(Friday is Kitmod time, at 22:00 GMT+1 on Brausemantel KIT)
(Saturday is Funmod time, at 22:00 GMT+1 on Brausemantel MOD)

The game times are German time (so they are 9pm UK time).

Currently there are 47 members so if you want to join check it out here.

If you want to support you can join our Seam group here.

Mr.Damage Friday 14 April 2017 - 10:20 | News
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