Combat Death Match Map

We needed a post with some screenshots so I checked which is the most downloaded death match map. Currently it's a map called Combat.

Combat is a small death match map set in European village during war time. It is a conversion/rebuild of an Half-Life map which was made by Wayne W. Smith and converted to Kingpin by me back in 2007.
The map contains four bombed out buildings, two on either side of a river which dissects the map thru the middle. There are also two army vehicles included.
The map uses a combination of Kingpin, SoF and Half-Life textures. It has ample weapons (including 2 HMG's) and other items, 11 spawn points and a custom sky.

You can download Combat from here.



Mr.Damage Wednesday 07 December 2016 - 11:41 | News, Map
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