Death Match Map - Gangland Hideout

Here is a map I have been looking for, for a while, but didn't remember the name. Finally, I found it after loading maps from an old maps list.

The map is called Gangland Hideout and was made by ANM-Bulldog back in 1999.

It is a good example of an early custom death match map. It is a large, two level, map, set inside a gangster's hideout. It uses all default textures.

It has lots of different areas, ten player spawns and at least one of every weapon.

You can download Gangland Hideout (bddm1.bsp) from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.





Mr.Damage Saturday 24 June 2023 - 04:03 | News, Map
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