I Found An Old Hitmen Map

While I was checking Kingpin backups for old screenshots I found this lost Hitmen map made by called Flowing Through The Sky.

It is a small, multi level, map. It has a spinner on the lower level and the map features low gravity. This is so you are able to jump up onto several platforms (some of which hold armour) and reach the top level where there is more armour, pistol mods and a cooling mod.

As it's a Hitmen map the map doesn't have any weapons included. As well as Hitmen this map is good for any mod that hands out the weapons to players such as GunRace.

You can download Flowing Through The Sky (flyingmillion.bsp) from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.


Mr.Damage Sunday 02 May 2021 - 00:41 | News, Map
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