Kill COnfirmed ver 1.06 Released

has now released v1.06 of his Kill Confirmed mod. The main changes are added bot support and a fast shotgun mode:-

V1.06 changes

*Added Bot Support (uncomment in comp.ini to enable)

* Added new admin commands addbot and removebot (just like SV commands)

* Added Fast Shotty Mode (dm_realmode 4)

You can add and remove bots using electable admin.

If anyone doesn't know the Kill Confirmed mod it is based on the Call of Duty mod of the same name. Basically when you frag an opponent they drop a dogtag which you must pick up to score a point.

There are several different modes you can play in the mod - deathmatch, team death match, normal Bagman (no tags just all the custom weapons and armour skins), and Tagman (like Bagman but tags not money) as well as Instagib and crossbow only modes.

Check out the included doco for lots more info.

This is the full install and includes windows server files, the client files and three custom maps made for the mod and one older custom Bagman map.

You can download the Kill Confirmed v1.06 files from here.

Download the files, open the zipfile, and then just unzip/extract the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.

You will need the updated cleint pak file to play on the server so either downlaod the above file or,  alernatively, if you have ver8 of the MH patch and try to join the Kill Confirmed server with old files it will give you the option of typing in redownload (then you will simply d/l the latest files and they will overwrite the exisiting files).

Mr.Damage Monday 15 June 2020 - 13:03 | News, Mod
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