Tuesday Game Of Kill Confirmed Mod 10th Dec.

After the last game of Kill Confirmed  made some updates and is ready to test the new mod again. So he has called a game on Tuesday night starting 9.30pm UK time. It will be Death Match for a hour of so and then Team Deathmatch for the rest of the night. Hopefully this will be the last test before release.

Server Details:-

Server : Goat's Test Server
IP :
Date : Tuesday 10th December
Time : 9.30pm UK time/5.30pm EST time

Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.

If you  have taken part in any of the previous beta tests then you will have a pak1 and maybe a pak2 in your killconfirmed folder and you will get kicked from the server for having old client files.

Iif you have  ver7 of the MH Kingpin patch installed you can just type redownload into the console when you get kicked for having old client files and it will download the latest client files overwriting your existing out of date files.

Alternately you can delete both the pak1 and pak2 from the kill confirmed folder.

To delete the pak files open your Kingpin folder and you will see a killconfirmed folder. Open that one and you will see pak1 and maybe pak2 so just delete them.

You will download the new pak file when you join the server.

Hope to see you all there :)

Mr.Damage Monday 09 December 2019 - 23:41 | News
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