Another Kingpin Laptop Intel Graphics Fix

If you are having problems getting Kingpin to work on a laptop that has Intel graphics card try these fixes:-

Download the GLDirect utility from here and copy the opengl32.dll that comes with it to your Kingpin folder.

The other fix is to download and install the nGlide 3DFX wrapper from here.

This nGlide fix has just been tested by Zeppelin)FNR) and Killa and has worked for both of them :)

Thanks to  for investigating and suggesting this.

Mr.Damage Sunday 23 April 2017 - 01:51 | News
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One comment

dan sutikka

how to use that nGlide thing ?? i don’t understand !! :(

dan sutikka, (URL) - 17-06-’19 13:13
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