Knights-Castle-1 Death Match Map

The other day I was showing Lyph some death match maps set in castles and found one I hadn't seen in yonks :)

The map is called Knights-Castle-1 and was made or converted by . I have played it in the past but not for many years and can't remember it much.

The maps is a small to medium sized map set in a castle. It uses all custom textures but is missing a custom sound (quake.wav). It also features some teleports.

Update 11th April Zeppelin has sent in the missing Quake.wav so I have added it to he zipfile and uploaded the updated one.

There seems to be enough weapons and items and should be ok for a blast.

You can download Knights-Castle-1 from here.

Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder.



Mr.Damage Monday 10 April 2017 - 10:02 | News
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One comment


Love the roof texture :)

Ellypho, - 10-04-’17 14:18
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