Reckless Abandon Death Match Maps

We host two versions of the Reckless Abandon death match map.

These are conversions of the famous Quake 2 map.

The first version is by and uses all the original Quake 2 textures.

The other version is by . Rat's version uses Kingpin default textures and looks a lot different from PeNdEjO's one.

Originally they both had the same map name which was match1.bsp so I renamed Rat's version to match1_rat.bsp. So now you can have both and compare the differences between them :)

You can download these maps from here:-

Reckless Abandon by PeNdEjO

Reckless Abandon by Rat Instinct





Mr.Damage Wednesday 05 April 2017 - 06:11 | News
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