Sunday Game Of Bagman

The Sunday Bagman game this week will be on Killa's Bagman server starting at 9pm UK time.

Game details:-

Server : Sundays Bagman Game
IP :
Date : Sunday 2nd April
Time : 9pm UK time

Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.

***This week we want to try to break our record for number of players in the server. Currently it stands at either 19 or 20 (opinions vary) so we want to try to get 21 people in the server at one time, all playing :) ***

We had a big crowd but we didn't quite manage to break the record (19 was max today). Maybe next week :)





Mr.Damage Saturday 01 April 2017 - 03:09 | News
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three comments


Specs join! ;P

Ellypho, - 01-04-’17 21:20
Mr Damage

Haha :)

Mr Damage, - 02-04-’17 01:36


[M], (URL) - 03-04-’17 01:41
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