Thursday Game - Last Game For 2016

So I hope you are all looking forward to a game on Thursday 9pm UK time :)

It's the final game for 2016 so lets make it a big one.

It's going to be Xmas mod death match. As well as the Xmas mod death match maps MH has also added normal dm maps to the mix as well.

Game details:-

Server : Newskool post-Xmas Fragfest
IP :
Mod : XMAS Deathmatch
Date : 29th December
Time : 9pm UK time
Maxclients : 22
Admin : Monkey Harris

We have 22 players slots and one of them is for you :)


You can download v1.51 XMAS mod client files from here.

Extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder after reading following instructions

If you don't have the XMAS mod already installed just install latest version.

If you are updating from the recently released v1.50 then just overwrite the files.

If you still have an older version then delete the xmas folder and install new version.


There is a map-pack of xmas mod death match maps which you can download here.

Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.

A good crowd today :) Some screens from the game:-





Mr.Damage Wednesday 28 December 2016 - 01:03 | News
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One comment

Fr0Z3n (Illmo, ALySsA)

In I guess!

Fr0Z3n (Illmo, ALySsA), - 29-12-’16 09:08
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