Sunday Game Of bagman

Are you going to come for a game of Bagman on Sunday - 9pm UK time on Killa's server?

We have a goal of breaking the current record of 18 people in the server and reaching 20!

So please come along and join in the fun :)


Server : Sundays Bagman Game
IP :
Mod : Bagman
Date : 4th December
Time : 9pm UK time
Maxclients : 24
Admin : Killa

Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.

Hope to see you all there.

Mr.Damage Saturday 03 December 2016 - 11:31 | News
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six comments


How long you guys playing. I’ll be off at 4 Regina time. ;)

Last weekend was good fun, my mate will join if we can make it.

Ellypho, - 04-12-’16 03:29
Mr Damage

The games usually go for 2 1/2 to 3 hours. They only end when there are no ppl left so if people keep joining then the game will keep going :)

As far as I can tell it’s 3pm your time when the game starts.

I hope you and your mate can make it. What is his nic?

Mr Damage, - 04-12-’16 04:10

I fear I may be too late for work today. I play as Ellypho. Used to pas Ellypho.

Ellypho, - 04-12-’16 21:36

*stupid phone keyboard…

Ellypho, - 04-12-’16 21:37


[M], (URL) - 05-12-’16 01:34
Mr Damage

Well you are considered part of the little Kingpin community now so hopefully you can make the next game :)

Mr Damage, - 05-12-’16 08:55
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