New Death Match Map - Cage 2019

Cage 2019 is a remake, by me, of a small, arena style, death match map originally made by . The map is a shotgun only map.

It takes place in a room with a cage in the middle of the room.

I remade it primarlity as the original only had 3 player spawns.

Changes I made are:-

Increased player spawns to 12.

Added another shotgun, a set of heavy armour and 2 adrenalines.

Added planks to make it easier to get to top of 2 crates.

Changed the doors into the cage that needed to be opened to always in the open postion.

You can download Cage 2019 from here.

Just unzip all the files to your kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.



Mr.Damage Saturday 07 December 2019 - 20:52 | News
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