New Bagman Map - Team Immortal Combat

My new map, Team Immortal Combat, is a small sized Bagman map. It is a remake of the death match map Immortal Combat (fragndie6_2018.bsp)

The team's bases are fairly spacious and contain two small weapon rooms. The middle section of the map is a small open area with walk ways that lead up to a platform with the money drop and side platforms with armour and ammo.

There are also two side passages that lead to the middle section or to the other Team's base.

The map uses a mixture of standard textures and custom textures.

There are ample weapons and items throughout the map.

You can downalod Team Immotal Combat (team_fragndie.bsp) from here.



Mr.Damage Wednesday 12 December 2018 - 11:07 | News
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