This is a patch for Kingpin that fixes a number of bugs and adds some other improvements too (see the lists below). No files are modified by the patch, so it works with all Kingpin (v1.21) releases, including the Steam version. The WSOCK32.DLL file is the patch that gets loaded by Kingpin, and PATCHCFG.EXE is a configuration app for the patch. Both files should be put in your Kingpin directory. If you have Kingpin installed under "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)" then you may need to run PATCHCFG.EXE as administrator (right-click on it) for it to be able to write the patch's PATCH.CFG config file. New features and tweaks ======================= Asynchronous frame and physics/network updates The frame rendering can now be at a different rate to the physics/network updates, which allows higher frame rates to be used without breaking movement and flooding servers. The physics/network rate is still controlled by the "cl_maxfps" console variable, while the frame rate is controlled by the new "r_maxfps" console variable and FPS limit option in the "visuals" menu. The original synchronous behaviour can be restored by setting the new "cl_async" console variable to 0. More screen resolution options All resolutions supported by the video card are included in the video mode option in the "visuals" menu. A custom resolution can also be set via a new "vid_size" console variable (eg. "set vid_size 1024x768"). Fullscreen mode can be set to always use the desktop resolution, in which case the video mode setting only applies to windowed mode. The current resolution is now added to the "gl_mode" console variable (which is sent to servers) as well as being in the new "vid_size" console variable. Resizable window When running in windowed mode, the size of the Kingpin window can be adjusted by dragging the edges. Note this is only possible when the "fullscreen mode" option is set to "desktop", so that an irregular windowed resolution does not prevent fullscreen mode working. FOV auto-adjustment The PATCHCFG app gives the option (enabled by default) of automatically adjusting the FOV to maintain the same vertical view with any aspect ratio. This results in the horizontal view expanding, instead of the vertical view shrinking, when using a widescreen aspect ratio. The "fov" console variable is unchanged by this (the adjustment is applied on top of that). Improved support for any image size Standard Kingpin limits images/textures to 256x256 pixels and anything larger gets reduced, losing detail. It also resizes any images/textures that are not a power of 2 (256/128/64/etc) because they needed to be a power of 2 in the past, again losing detail. Both of those limitations are removed now, so affected images/textures are shown in higher quality. The "texture quality" option (gl_maxtexsize) has been removed from the "visuals" menu as it no longer has any effect. If wanted, power of 2 images can be re-enabled by setting the new "gl_pow2" console variable to 1 ("vid_restart" is needed after changes). Anisotropic filtering A new anisotropic filtering option is available in the "visuals" menu and a "gl_anisotropy" console variable. When enabled, it keeps images/textures looking sharp when they are viewed at an angle. Higher settings allow it to have effect at greater angles and distances. Note this setting may be overridden in the video card's control panel. Anti-aliasing A new multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) option is available in the "visuals" menu and a "gl_multisample" console variable. When enabled, anti-aliasing smooths jagged edges. Higher settings are smoother but more demanding. Note this setting may be overridden in the video card's control panel. Vertical sync setting A new vertical sync option is available in the "visuals" menu, which gives access to the existing "gl_swapinterval" console variable, and also adds an "adaptive" setting when supported by the video card. Note this setting may be overridden in the video card's control panel. Improved lighting of see-through surfaces See-through surfaces (eg. grills/fences/banners) now have the same lighting applied as other surfaces in the same area, so that they blend in better. Dynamic lighting is also now applied to those surfaces, and they can be charred by explosions and flames. Improved dynamic lighting The performance of dynamic lighting (and charring) is much improved so that it can now be enabled on Intel GPUs without causing lag. Dynamic lights also now work properly on bmodels (eg. moving platforms) and windows, and no longer show on the other side of thin walls. Dynamic light disabling A new dynamic lighting option is available in the "visuals" menu. When that is set to "none", no dynamic lighting or charring is applied to surfaces. When set to "partial", map lights and charring are enabled, but not other dynamic lights like muzzle flashes or explosions. When set to "full", all dynamic lights are enabled. Limited charring Surface charring (eg. from explosions and flames) is limited to 75% to avoid the map becoming pitch black. Charring also no longer affects the lighting of players/NPCs or items except for props. Improved effect visibility Effects such as flames/sparks/blood/etc are now visible through translucent surfaces (eg. windows and water). Improved shadows Shadows are now shaded rather than pitch-black. They also point away from the nearest/strongest light sources, and are not shown for things that are a long way off the ground. Hybrid directional lighting A new "hybrid" setting is available for the directional lighting option (which is now in the "visuals" menu) that combines the map's lightmap with the normal "junior" lighting to prevent too dark shading of players/NPCs in bright areas of the map. Bright team skins A new bright team skins option is available in the "visuals" menu and a "r_brightteam" console variable. When enabled (the default), bright white lighting is used (instead of the map's normal lighting) on players in team game modes to make it easier to distinguish between the teams. FPS display A new FPS display option is available in the "visuals" menu and a "showfps" console variable. When enabled, the current number of frames per second is displayed at the bottom of the screen, along with the longest time (in milliseconds) taken to render a frame during the last second. Internet server browsing A live server list is downloaded and included in the "join network server" menu. A copy of the list is also written to a SERVERS.TXT file, which will be used if the master server is ever unavailable. The dead "play on" menu option is removed. Faster downloading Download speed is no longer limited by the "rate" or "cl_maxfps" settings or by vertical sync, and it can now reach speeds of up to 4 MB/s if the server allows. A speed limit can be set in the PATCHCFG app and a new "max_download_rate" console variable can be used to change the limit in-game. Downloads are also sent in fewer/larger packets when connected to a kpded2 server for greater efficiency. PAK downloading tweaks PAK files are downloaded (if the server offers any) before any other files, to avoid separately requesting files that are in the PAKs. Only the mod's directory is checked for existing PAK files (and other root directory files) so that existing files in the "main" directory do not prevent mod-specific client files being downloaded. PAK update downloading When kicked for having old client files, the new "redownload" command can be used to reconnect and download the latest PAK file(s) from the server instead of visiting a website to get them. Map redownloading When kicked for having an incorrect version of a map, the new "redownload" command can be used to reconnect and download the map from the server. Map downloading to main directory The PATCHCFG app gives the option (enabled by default) of having map files always downloaded to the "main" directory instead of mod-specific directories, to avoid wasting time and disk space on downloading duplicate files. Sound downloading Sounds are downloaded from the server, even if the server isn't running kpded2. Model skin downloading Skins/textures used by models (including weapon models) are downloaded from the server. Model extras downloading Any accessory options (hat/cigar/etc) that a custom player model has are downloaded from the server. Out-of-order download recovery When a file packet is received in the wrong order during a download, it will still be used to avoid having to re-request it from the server. Network compression When connected to a kpded2 server, game state data will be compressed when it would otherwise be too large to send, instead of dropping it. This can be disabled by setting the new "net_compress" console variable to 0. Note that demos containing compressed data will not be playable without the patch enabled. File downloads are also compressed for greater speed and lower bandwidth usage. Increased visibility range The skybox is drawn at a further distance from the player to allow large open space maps to be fully visible. Increased entity limit The entity display limit is increased from 128 to 256. This fixes the problem of your gun sometimes disappearing/flickering when there is a lot of action. Gun visible with any FOV The PATCHCFG app gives the option (enabled by default) to have your weapon visible with any "fov" setting, not only up to 90. Most weapon models are not designed to be shown in a high FOV and appear to be floating in front of the player then, so the weapon will be drawn with a lower FOV than the rest of the view then to prevent that. Consistent HUD layout The position of the HUD items and the chat text are now the same in all screen resolutions and aspect ratios. HUD enlarging A new hud size option is available in the "options" menu and a "hudsize" console variable, to adjust the size of the HUD items and scoreboards (and centered text messages) when using screen resolutions over 600 pixels high (and over 1280 pixels wide for scoreboards). The minimum setting leaves things at their original size. Hi-res console text A hi-res font is used to show console and overlay text, adding support for lowercase letters and colouring. A new console font size option is available in the "options" menu and a "con_scale" console variable. Hi-res small text The hi-res font is used for small text items in the HUD and for centered text messages. Centered text is not logged Centered text messages no longer appear in the console, which also stops the overlay and chat text areas being cleared whenever a centered text message is shown. Improved text input Non-US keyboard layouts are now supported, and the cursor can be moved using the left/right arrow keys to modify the entered text. The Ctrl key can also be used to jump words, and the home/end keys to jump to the start/end of the text. Highlighted non-chat text Non-chat text shown in the chat area (eg. connection notifications) is shown in light blue to make it more distinguishable from chat. This also applies to the console when hi-res console text is enabled. Nicer scoreboard text Scoreboard text now has smoother edges and a drop shadow. Chat while console is open The chat area is now still shown while the console is open. Console access without developer mode The console key (`) and menu option can now be used to access the console at any time without needing the "developer" variable to be set to 1. Console history duplicate removal When a command is repeated in the console, the old entry will be removed from the console's command history (accessed by pressing the up/down keys). Larger console buffer The console buffer size is now 128 KB rather than 32 KB, which allows 4 times as many lines of text to be retained. Console scrolling The mouse wheel can now be used to scroll the console. Console width limiting The number of characters per line of console text can be limited in the PATCHCFG app and in-game with a new "con_maxwidth" console variable. Shorter lines allow more lines of text to be retained. Fixed console image brightness The brightness (vid_gamma) setting no longer affects the console background image, so that the text does not become harder to read when the brightness is turned up. Console image removal The console background image can be replaced with a solid colour to make the text easier to read. This can be set in the PATCHCFG app and in-game with a new "con_noback" console variable. A new "con_color" variable can be used to change the background colour to an RGB value (from "000" to "999"). Console transparency The console background transparency can be set with the new "con_alpha" console variable, in the range of 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). Console overlay lines The maximum number of lines of console text that overlays the top of the screen can be adjusted in the PATCHCFG app and in-game with a new "con_notifylines" console variable. Chat lines The maximum number of lines of text shown in the chat area can be adjusted in the PATCHCFG app and in-game with a new "chatlines" console variable. Improved chat word wrapping Chat area text can now be broken at hyphens too, not only spaces. Very long text that exceeds the console width is also rejoined now to avoid an unnecessary line break. Chat across maps Chat text stays on screen across map changes. Semi-transparent graphs The netgraph and timegraph backgrounds are now semi-transparent. The transparency can be changed with the new "graphalpha" console variable, in the range of 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). Wider graphs The screen can now be up to 2048 pixels wide (instead of 1024 pixels) before the netgraph and timegraph displays repeat. Netgraph ping range The ping range covered by the netgraph display can now be set with the new "netgraph_min" and "netgraph_max" console variables. Larger menus Menus are drawn using a hi-res font that is sized according to the screen resolution, to make them easier to read. Darkened menu background The background image is darkened when using menus to make them easier to read. Quicker visuals option changes The enter key can be used to apply changes in the "visuals" menu without having to first select the "apply changes" option. More crosshairs Up to 27 extra crosshairs (30 in total) can be installed for selection in the "options" menu. The selected crosshair image is also shown alongside. The extra crosshair files are searched in sequence until the first non-existent one, so they should be added in sequence (eg. CH4.PCX first). Crosshair enlargement A new crosshair size option is available in the "options" menu and a "crosshairsize" console variable. Customisable crosshair colour A new "crosshair color" option is available in the "options" menu, which allows the crosshair colour to be changed. It can also be set to change colour with the health level. Custom RGB settings (from "000" to "999") are possible with a new "crosshaircolor" console variable. Crosshair transparency The crosshair's transparency can be set with the new "crosshairalpha" console variable, in the range of 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). Unused crosshair removal The crosshair is not shown when spectating except when using eyecam mode. Targeted player name placement A new "crosshair names" option is available in the "options" menu and a "crosshairnames" console variable, which allows adjustment of where the name of the targeted player is shown. The amount of cash carried by the player (if it is a bagman teammate) is also placed accordingly. Targeted player names are also now shown during playback of demos. Instant shots When the fire button is pressed, that is sent to the server immediately rather than waiting for the next scheduled packet. This is disabled when the "cl_async" console variable is set to 0. Weapon key binding The weapons can now be bound to other keys/buttons in the "customize controls" menu. A "previous weapon" option is also added to the menu. Raw mouse input A new "raw mouse input" option is available in the "options" menu, which enables bypassing Windows' mouse motion processing. It can also be enabled by setting the "in_mouse" console variable to 2. More precise mouse movement Mouse movement processing is now done in floating-point rather than integer, which allows fractional mouse sensitivity settings to have the expected effect. Support for 5 mouse buttons If your mouse has them, 2 extra buttons (MOUSE4 and MOUSE5) can be bound in the "customize controls" menu options and AUTOEXEC.CFG files. Bind reloading Binds are reloaded from the "main" config whenever changing mod so that mod-specific binds do not carry over to other mods. Mod-specific CONFIG.CFG files are only written when they already exist and "+set game" is used in the command-line because that is the only time they get loaded. Ignoring arrow key commands When an arrow key is pressed, a command is sent to tell the server even if those keys are bound to something else (eg. player movement). Those commands are generally ignored by servers, so they are now not sent by default. The command sending can be re-enabled by setting the new "cl_sendarrows" console variable to 1. Improved reverb effect Kingpin's built-in reverb sound effect is replaced with a better-sounding one. A new option is available in the "options" menu to switch back to the original reverb effect or disable reverb. That option is also accessible with a new "s_reverb" console variable. Custom model sounds A new custom model sounds option is available in the "options" menu and a "s_models" console variable. When enabled, model-specific sounds will be played instead of the usual male or female sounds when jumping/dying/etc, if custom sounds are installed for the player model. The sounds will not be downloaded from servers but are included with some player models available from Sound when inactive A new "mute when inactive" option is available in the "options" menu and a "s_focus" console variable. When disabled, it allows Kingpin's sound to be still heard when Kingpin is in the background. Sound quality is always high The sound quality is now permanently set to high. The option has been removed from the "options" menu. Improved playback of 8-bit sounds The playback quality of 8-bit sounds is improved, particularly at lower volume levels. Sound buffering control A new "buffer / delay" option is available in the "options" menu, which gives access to the existing "s_mixahead" console variable. It determines how much sounds are delayed by. Note there may be glitches in the sound if it is set too low. Asynchronous sound loading Sound files are loaded asynchronously (in the background) so that the gameplay does not get delayed and stutter in the meantime, particularly when Kingpin is installed on a slower drive. This can be disabled by setting the new "s_async" console variable to 0. JPEG screenshots A new screenshot format option is available in the "options" menu, with the option of writing screenshots in the JPEG format at various quality levels. A new "screenshot_quality" console variable is also available for more control over the JPEG quality level (0 = TGA). The high-quality TGA format is still supported and is also now compressed but the size reduction will not be as great as JPEG. Map-based screenshots A new screenshot naming option is available in the "options" menu and a "screenshot_name" console variable. It gives the option of having the map's name (instead of the default "kingpin") in screenshot filenames. Text-free screenshots The "screenshot" command can be followed by "nomsg" ("screenshot nomsg") to have the console and chat text excluded from the saved screenshot. New lasers The existing railgun laser has been replaced with a new one that supports different colours, for use in the instagib game mode (can also be used in other mods). The muzzle flash is also the same colour as the laser now. Underwater rocket tweak A rocket's flame trail stops when it enters water. More efficient scoreboards New scoreboard layout options are supported that allow more players to be shown in the scoreboards. Reduced idle bandwidth usage When you are not moving, fewer packets will be sent to the server, reducing bandwidth usage, and server load too. Reduced userinfo bandwidth usage The "msg" and "hand" console variables are not sent to servers when they are set to 0. Increased default "rate" setting The default "rate" setting is now 25000 (T1/LAN) instead of 4000 (56 MODEM). Playing demos from Windows Explorer DM2 demo files can be associated with Kingpin in the PATCHCFG app, which allows them to be played from Windows Explorer and other software. Demo playback speed control and rewinding The mouse wheel can be scrolled forward to speed up demo playback, and scrolled back to slow down/pause. Scrolling back again will rewind the demo, or restart it if the shift key is held down too. The demo's position is displayed at the bottom of the screen then. The volume level is reduced when playing at higher speeds to prevent excessive noise. Demo angle adjustment The view angle can be changed during demo playback by holding down the left mouse button and moving the mouse. Demo end pausing Demos can be paused instead of unloaded at the end (allowing rewinding) by setting the new "cl_demowait" console variable to 1. Using commands/binds while playing demos Key binds can be used while playing demos (eg. to take screenshots). The console can also be accessed while playing demos. Downloads excluded from demos Any files that are downloaded while recording a demo are now not included in the demo. F12 confirmation and disabling To avoid mishaps, the F12 key can be disabled or set to ask for confirmation before closing Kingpin in the "options" menu. Reset to defaults option removed To avoid mishaps, the "reset to defaults" option has been removed from the "options" menu. If wanted, the MAIN\CONFIG.CFG file can be deleted to revert to the default config. Sorted console variables The "cvarlist" command now gives a sorted list of all console variables. No empty directories created Directories are no longer created for missing downloads. CPU priority boost Kingpin's CPU priority is raised to reduce the chances of other processes denying it CPU time and causing lag. This can be adjusted with a new "win_priority" console variable. Possible values are: -2 = low, -1 = below normal, 0 = normal, 1 = above normal, 2 = high. The default is 1 (above normal). When the CPU priority is raised, it will automatically drop back to normal while Kingpin is in the background. Reduced CPU usage A new "lower CPU usage" option is available in the "options" menu and a "cpusleep" console variable. When enabled, the CPU will sleep briefly between frames to reduce CPU usage. The CPU sleeping also always happens when not active in game (eg. when using menus or in the background). If Kingpin is left inactive in the background for a while, frame processing will stop entirely to use practically no CPU. Close/minimize buttons Close and minimize buttons are included in the window title bar. No CD check The CD check is disabled so that you can play without having the CD in the drive (if you are using the CD version of Kingpin). Recovery when model limit is reached When the number of loaded models exceeds the limit (eg. when trying lots of different player models), models that are no longer needed will be unloaded instead of leaving the game with a "mod_numknown == MAX_MOD_KNOWN" error message. More verbose model error messages The model's filename is included in "R_DrawAliasModel" and "R_CullAliasModel" error messages. Sprite stats The "cl_stats" output includes the current number of sprites. Launch freeze fix On Windows 7, the PATCHCFG app gives the option of applying a registry fix that stops the GameUX component (from Games Explorer) blocking the first launch of Kingpin after booting when it gets stuck trying to contact defunct Microsoft servers. This will also affect/fix other games that GameUX deals with. Fixed bugs ========== Alt-tab does not work even when enabled in the "options" menu. Physical memory detection only works up to 2GB RAM. This bug could result in reduced sound and texture quality. Multiple copies of images/textures being loaded when they have uppercase letters in their name. This bug can result in "MAX_GLTEXTURES" errors. If a player carries a cashbag/flag while spawn protection is active, it results in multiple "r_cullaliasmodel" errors for everyone that sees them. Cast characters that are set to use a custom skin may not have the correct skin on when the pain skins option is enabled. Chat text turns to garbage in the output of the "condump" command. Crash when there have been 32768 lines of console text. Buffer overflow/crash with text messages over 4095 characters long. This bug prevents Kingpin running without Windows' app compatibility feature enabled. Applying any changes in the "visuals" menu results in a graphics system reinitialization even if the changes do not require it. Trying to change model in the "player setup" menu after a model has been downloaded from a server (or installed manually) can result in a crash. Memory leak when going to the console while the "player setup" menu is open. Kingpin cannot be played on a secondary monitor because the mouse is handled incorrectly then. Demo playback is jerky, particularly during fast movement. Looping sounds are not recorded in demos. The game directory is not updated when playing demos, possibly resulting in the wrong textures/sounds/etc being used. Only the first map is played back from demos that span multiple maps. Demos end early when they contain an empty message (caused by an overflow when the demo was recorded). Muzzle flashes are bigger in playback of multiplayer demos than they were when the demos were recorded. Flames from the player's flamethrower are not visible in demos. If the player is firing the flamethrower at the end of a map or when becoming a spectator, the flames will continue to appear on screen. When another player/NPC stops firing a flamethrower, their flames immediately disappear instead of dying out, and those flames then reappear if the player starts firing again (possibly at a different position). When a flamethrower is fired from close to a wall, the flames can disappear into the wall. When another player/NPC fires a flamethrower while crouching, the flames still appear at their standing height. The flames from the player's flamethrower are in the wrong position when spectating in eyecam mode. Crash when taking a screenshot before the game's directory exists. When a file is missing, it may be requested from the server multiple times instead of just once. When changing mod, the Kingpin window is unnecessarily recreated/reinitialized. When connecting to a mod server and then a standard server, files (eg. config and downloads) will be written in Kingpin's root directory instead of "main". In deathmatch, the reverb sound effect is only applied to the first player (client 0). Distortion and panning of non-attenuated sounds. A targeted player's name is not shown when the player is behind a see-through surface (eg. fence or window). Targeted player names are not shown when movement prediction is disabled through the "cl_predict" console variable or by the server (eg. when chasing). The surface area covered by dynamic lights and charring is inconsistent across different texture sizes. Dynamic lights (eg. muzzle flashes and explosions) are not visible on players and NPCs when directional lighting is enabled. A server's instruction to disable directional lighting is ignored on the player's weapon, which means it may be pitch-black on some maps. The lighting of the player's weapon is incorrect when spectating in eyecam mode with directional lighting enabled. Laser beams are sometimes black instead of their correct colour. Semi-transparent entities may be drawn in an incorrect order, resulting in more distant entities overlapping closer ones. The RF_FULLBRIGHT flag does not work on MDX models. After picking up cash, the amount display does not fade-out with the cash icon. You are sometimes left facing the ceiling/floor after spawning or teleporting. The graphheight console variable (to set the height of netgraph and timegraph displays) does not work properly. The Esc key does not access the main menu while a scoreboard is showing. Using Alt+F4 keys to quit results in an error message. The Kingpin window sometimes re-grabs the mouse when clicking away from it. The "dir" command lists the files in a mod's directory twice. When hosting a server, renderfx2 flags with a value of 256 or above will not be sent to clients in some situations. Nvidia drivers automatically turn on vertical sync when it has been turned off in-game and the driver is set to use the game's setting in the Nvidia control panel. New/modified menu options ========================= gangbang > join network server options > custom model sounds options > reverb options > buffer / delay options > mute when inactive options > raw mouse input options > crosshair options > crosshair size options > crosshair color options > crosshair names options > console font size options > screenshot format options > screenshot naming options > lower cpu usage options > allow f12 to quit options > customize controls visuals > fullscreen mode visuals > vertical sync visuals > fps limit visuals > hud size visuals > anisotropic filter visuals > anti-aliasing visuals > bright team skins visuals > directional lighting visuals > dynamic lighting visuals > show fps New console variables ===================== chatlines cl_async cl_demowait cl_sendarrows con_alpha con_color con_maxwidth con_noback con_notifylines con_scale cpusleep crosshairalpha crosshaircolor crosshairnames crosshairsize gl_anisotropy gl_multisample gl_pow2 graphalpha hudsize max_download_rate net_compress netgraph_max netgraph_min r_brightteam r_maxfps s_async s_focus s_models s_reverb screenshot_name screenshot_quality showfps vid_nativefs vid_size win_priority Modified console variables ========================== gl_dynamic gl_mode in_mouse r_directional_lighting New commands ============ redownload